Welcome to our latest horse oil painting of CC Top. Our client Jeanne is originally from Norway, however she is now living in the Isle of Man. Jeanne commissioned an oil painting of her Son in Laws horse called CC Top for his brithday. Her son in law, a show jumper, lives in Norway and so the painting was to be sent direct to him when it was complete. It was for his 30th birthday and a complete surprise. Here is a lovely email from Jeanne after the portrait was presented to the recipient.
Hi there.
Yes they all thought it was beautiful. As you can see my daughter thinks it is awesome. I have not seen it myself yet, only on Skype.
But I think we can say we are very very happy with it.
Thank you again. I will keep your web site for the future.
All the best to you both.

Horse Oil Painting of CC Top Photos
Here are a few photos of the portrait in progress. We always try to take photos of the painting in stages, so that we can email them to our clients. They love to be part of the process and are always excited when an email pops into their inbox from us. The first stage below is a drawing out stage.

The second stage is mostly about covering the white of the canvas with a sienna colour so that its a good base to paint on.

Here you can see the base colours are being over painted with the really dark colours which will create the background crowd and stalls.

The painting is starting to take shape. The photography lights is shining on this a little however hopefully it gives a good idea of what the painting is like.

Finally a close up of the detail stage showing Nicholas adding the fine details in the tack and reigns.

The Portrait Framed
The frame is the Traditional Flat with a wheat inner linen slip.

Horse Oil Painting of CC Top – Video
Here is a video of CC Tops painting. He looked wonderful all finished here in the studio so we hope you like it too.
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