Welcome to our Horse Pet Portrait of Ariel. We received a wonderful email from Eleanor who asked if we would paint a portrait of families horse. It was to be for her mums Christmas gift. You can read Eleanor’s initial email to us below….
Melanie and Nicholas,
I’ve been looking for someone to do a portrait of my horse Ariel as a Christmas Present for my mum and came across your website. I’ve had a look at your gallery and your service is just what I’ve been looking for! Ideally I would like an oil painting of her head and neck…
Eleanor emailed us lots of photos of Ariel. One in particular stood out from all of the others which was luckily Eleanor’s favourite photo. It was perfect for an oil painting. We worked out the best size for the composition of the painting would be 16 x 12 inches. We gave Eleanor a number of options for the background however we all opted for the dark option and it all came our beautifully as you can see below.

Happy Clients
Here are our happy clients with their painting. I have added the horse portrait of Ariel on our website, in addition to the wonderful photos of Eleanor and her mum with the painting in situ. I have also added them to our testimonials gallery too!

Hi Melanie,
Christmas has been busy! Mum absolutely loves the painting! 🙂 Here are some photos of the painting where it is at the moment. We aren’t sure whether we’re gonna keep it here or put it somewhere else in the house so thought I should send through some photos anyway 🙂
Thanks so much again for everything!
Eleanor Pile

Horse Pet Portrait of Ariel – Video
Here is the video I took of Ariel before packing the paining when the portrait was framed. I film the portraits in the studio under the photography lighting. We hope you like it!
Horse Pet Portrait of Ariel Framed
The frame for Ariels portrait is beautiful and it has a plaque to match too. When you take your portrait to your local framers, you might need to shop around if they don’t have the kind of moulding that you envisage for the portrait. They may well be able to order a moulding in specially for you, or a frame like this one here that has moulded edges. These are speciality frames so not all framers carry them in stock. However a good framer should be able to give you advice on what it possible. If you need any advice please let us know we are always more than happy to help.

Finally I hope that you have enjoyed reading about our horse pet portrait of Ariel. If you have a horse that you would like portrayed similar to Ariel’s portrait, we would be happy to work with you. Drop us a line at any time and don’t forget to send us your photos.

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