Welcome to my latest Cat Pencil Portrait of Penny, which has to be one of my favourite cat portraits to date. My client Jeanette telephoned our studio to ask if I would […]
Pencil Pet Portrait of Tess
Welcome to my Pencil Pet Portrait of Tess, a very happy Labrador. The portrait of Tess was commission by a returning client who wanted a drawing of her sisters dog. The family […]
Paint & Draw Magazine Article
Welcome to my Paint & Draw Magazine Article. Contributing to the magazine was very exciting! Although every single portrait is unique and tackled in slightly different ways. Therefore it depends on fur […]
Cat Portrait of Frankie Blue Eyes
Welcome to our cat portrait of Frankie Blue Eyes. You can see immediately why Frankie was called Frankie Blue Eyes. He was a Snowshoe Siamese Cat and was commissioned by returning clients. Sadly […]
Cat Pencil Drawing of Mungo
Welcome to my latest cat pencil drawing of Mungo. My client Charlotte emailed me to ask if I would be able to draw their beautiful cat called Mungo. Charlotte emailed the following… Hi […]
Capturing the Bond in Pet Portraits
Welcome to our blog post pondering the subject capturing the bond in pet portraits. When you think about art and its array of subjects, there are very few subjects that create as […]