Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait

Welcome to our latest Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait of Vinnie. Isn’t he gorgeous! The portrait was commissioned by a returning client Katherine for a special birthday celebration. Katherine email us telling us about the portrait we had completed previous and who she would like us to paint…

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
Back in 2013 I commissioned Nicholas to paint an oil painting of our Hungarian Vizsla, Moxon which has had pride of place in home ever since. It’s been much admired, particularly by my sister-in-law and as she has a significant birthday coming up at the end of October, the family have decided that a portrait of her beloved Vinnie would be a perfect and very special gift….

We were not only delighted to hear from Katherine again, but we were also really excited to paint a Dogue de Bordeaux portrait. Nicholas completed the portrait and I have added a final scan of Vinnie for you to see below. Scroll further to see more photos of the painting in progress….

Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait

Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait in Progress

We recently heard that Vinnie sadly passed away in May and so this portrait will mean so much to the family.  Here are a few stages of the oil painting whilst Nicholas was painting.

Portrait in progress

The stage below is starting to come together nicely and Vinnie’s rich colouring is shining through. There is a long way to go yet though and Nicholas needs to add in all the fine detail of Vines fur and shine.

Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait

I took this photo of Nicholas painting Vinnie’s muzzle and you can see how fine the paintbursh is to capture the delicate hairs and highlights. Katherine email when she received the finished painting.

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
I just wanted to let you know that the portrait has arrived and is unwrapped and airing. Vinnie looks fantastic! Nick has captured the noble soul that Vinnie was which is pretty special. It’s fantastic – thank you. I’m sure my sister-in-law is going to love it.

Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait

Finally, we hope you have enjoyed reading about the Dogue de Bordeaux Portrait of Vinnie. If you would like to have an oil portrait created of your dog, please drop us a line from our website at anytime. Don’t forget to also read about other amazing painting that Nicholas has just completed of an Entlebucher Mounting Dog.

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