Welcome to our Labradoodle pet portrait in oils by Nicholas Beall. Claudia emailed us to see if we would be able to create a painting of her dog Luna. But for a birthday deadline. It was within two weeks!! We aren’t usually able to accept really tight deadlines. However as Claudia has the perfect photo and we had the canvas in stock, we said yes! We do try to meet deadlines if we can, it depends on the time of year and how busy we are. This was mid summering we had scheduled some time off, so… well we work instead!

Claudia commissioned a 12 x 10 inch oil painting of Luna and it was a lovely a surprise for her husband. Claudia worked very closely with us making sure we had the perfect photo of Luna. She took photos of her in their back garden. She also wanted to give the impression of the stripes in the grass without it being too apparent and overpowering and you can just about see them in the painting.
The final painting of Luna came out beautiful and I think we fulfilled the brief in focusing on on Lunas eyes, they are definitely the focus of the painting. Her eyes and expression are beautiful.
Hi There,
It looks wonderful, Nicholas has totally captured her character and penetrating slightly mournful ‘don’t leave me’ eyes! Love that you can see the hint of the stripes in the background and the vibrant green coming through.
Very excited to receive this.
Thank you

Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils Completed Painting
I took some photos of the portrait on our plan chest prior to packing. You can see the shape of the canvas. It also gives an idea of the depth of the canvas too. Portraits can also be displayed on the wall unframed. Just let us know if you would like the edges painted if you are displaying without a frame.

The process of commissioning an oil portrait of a Labradoodle is a really simple process. You are more than welcome to email us your photos, or perhaps get in touch of you need any advice on take photos. We are always happy to help guide when needed. If you would like to see another of our Labradoodles, head over to our blog post about Amber’s painting.

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