Melanie’s January Monthly News

Welcome to Melanie’s January Monthly News – Happy New Year 2020! We hope that you all had a lovely festive season and New Year. We are now in our 23rd year for our pet portraits business! This month has flown so fast.

Work was busy before Christmas and has overspilled in to January quite nicely keeping us out of mischief and in the studio. We never mind working this time of year as its never really nice enough for days out. Cold and rainy and even snowy at times. It can be really hard to keep motivated though, especially when you are self employed. It’s very easy to take longer breakfasts in the cottage by the fire… and longer lunches… and finish early! But then you have to live well as well as work well.

Thank You Gift

The photo below is a lovely and very cute photo of our dog Lily posing – very ‘hopefully’ next to an amazing hamper. We received it as a thank you gift. I couldn’t resist taking a photo and yes it is all very yummy too!

Melanie's January Monthly News
Melanie’s January Monthly News

I know this blog post is a bit short this month. I hope to have some proper photos for you to see next month of our days out and about as we do have plans – as long as the weather holds!

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3 thoughts on “Melanie’s January Monthly News

  1. hiiii Melanie

    ha ha I ha to laugh when I saw the hamper photo…..
    Tell me, was the stuff yummi??

    The art work of both of you stunning as always!! We’ll chat again on whatsapp ok? luv and have a lovely evening xxxx

    1. Thank you so much Rosalie! For everything!! I couldn’t resist posting it!! Lily is so cute in it, she deserves some fame haha. It was delicious!! Yes we will chat on WhatsApp again soon! Yeay!! Have a lovely day! Melanie xx

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