Oil Painting of Shadow and Moose

Nicholas completed the oil painting of Shadow and Moose in May, just in time for a special birthday gift for our client in the USA. He painted it in oils on canvas at our 18 x 14 inch size. Brian, who commissioned the piece, was delighted with the final result and even managed to capture a photo of the recipient, Jen, with both Shadow and Moose by her side! Scroll down to see it as it is really lovely. We Can’t thank Brian enough for taking it for us. Here is the completed portrait…

Oil Painting of Shadow and Moose

Brian emailed When he sent the photo of Jen, Shadow and Moose together.

Melanie and Nicholas!
Here is Jen, Moose, and Shadow with your BEAUTIFUL portrait. Thank you again for your hard work, everyone is envious and my brother may be reaching out to get a portrait of his cat! You two made this process so simple and we are so happy with it all turned out!
Cheers, Brian 

Happy Clients with their portrait

Both dogs, Shadow and Moose, have their very own Instagram account where they have photos of them and post weekly! Brian said this along the way…

First off, you all did an absolutely amazing job! I cannot express how happy I am with the final product and you absolutely captured both of their personalities.

He also added how much he appreciated the regular communication during the commission process:

In addition to wanting to thank you and Nicholas for the amazing job, I also want to express my appreciation for the continuous updates through the entire process. I know you both are quite busy so I am really grateful for all the updates and adjustments along the way.

Here is the portrait all ready to send to our clients in the USA. We hope that it is a wonderful surprise and makes the perfect present!

Oil Painting of Shadow and Moose

Oil Painting of Shadow and Moose

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the Oil Painting of Shadow and Moose. We feel so grateful to have played a part in capturing Shadow and Moose together in oils, and it’s always a joy to hear just how meaningful these portraits become. If you’d like to learn more about commissioning your own oil painting, visit our website to explore more examples and details www.pet-portraitartist.com. You might also enjoy reading about another recent oil commission — a beautiful Bichon Frisé called Max – Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission. Message or email us at any time if you would like your own portrait!

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