Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

Welcome to our latest blog post of a Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission. A very special commission that we created for a lovely family was of Max the Bichon Fries. Sadly Max passed away and his whole family really missed him, he was a true member of their family. So Nicholas set about creating a painting of him laying on his special purple velvet blanket, which we used for the background too.

It was clear from the start how deeply he was loved by the whole family. Every photo they sent came with thoughtful notes, and we instantly felt connected to Max’s story. They chose their favourite photo as the main photo to work from. It truly captured Max’s joyful personality, even though one of his little paws was just out of frame. We carefully added that in to complete the composition. While the photo reflected his spirit, it didn’t quite show his true colouring. Max had soft, snowy white fur and warm honey-coloured eyes, which we matched using additional reference photos his owners provided.

The Painting in Progress

Here are a few stages of the oil painting of Max in progress. The first as per usual is drawing the portrait on the canvas and lining it in, then covering with a sepia wash.

Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

The next stage is to block in the background and main tones of Max.

The oil pet portrait in progress

More tones of Max are added and the eyes are blocked in too.

Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

The portrait is beginning to take shape now.

The portrait of Max in progress

Finally some deeper tones and firming up the background.

Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

The Completed Oil Painting

The finished piece measured 13 x 13 inches. It was a beautifully balanced square format that suited Max’s pose perfectly. His owners were absolutely over the moon when they saw the final portrait. One message said it all…

Oh my goodness Nick, it looks like how I imagined it would be. You are a superstar… I’m now so relieved. You have captured him and his favourite blanket so well. When we first got him the breeder had named him Prince. He truly was one.

The completed Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

We feel so lucky to have played a part in helping preserve Max’s memory in such a meaningful way. Here is an amazing photo of the family all posing with the oil painting of Max. We cant thank them enough for doing this for us.

The Pet Portrait of Max and his Family

Video of Max

I took a video of Max prior to packing when the portrait was framed and ready to go. It is only a short video, but I hope it shows how beautiful the painting is.

Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the story of our Beautiful Bichon Frisé Oil Painting Commission. If you’d like to browse more of our cat and dog oil portraits, visit our gallery here Latest Pet Portraits. Also, if you would like to read another pet portrait story, take a look at Bailey’s cat portrait in oils. If you would like to commission a portrait of your pet, please do get in touch at any time.

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