Here is my latest Jack Russell pencil portrait of Judy, who had sadly passed away. Joanne got in contact asking if we would be able to create a portrait for her father as s surprise for Christmas. I was fully booked for portraits for Christmas, however Joanne really wanted me to complete the portrait so ordered a Gift Voucher for her dad and was able to save a space in my commissions list.
Joanne already had the perfect photo of Judy and so I created a mock up and added to the voucher which Ivan received on Christmas day. The gift voucher came as a complete surprise to him on Christmas day. The photo of Judy was arranged and it wasn’t long and the portrait was complete and sent to the family.

Joanne emailed as soon as the portrait arrived…..
Hi Melanie,
He absolutely loves it! Thank you so much. He hasn’t stopped talking about it!
Best wishes,
Joanne’s father Ivan followed up with the most wonderful email. It really is wonderful to read letters like this, our jobs are the best!
Dear Melanie and Nicholas,
Just before Christmas of 2014, my daughter Jo and the rest of my family commissioned you to draw a portrait in pencil of my late dog Judy, who sadly passed away in January of 2013. This came as a complete and pleasant surprise when I received the mock-up of the portrait of Judy on Christmas Day – you could have knocked me over with a feather!
When I received the finished portrait I was absolutely overwhelmed by the life-like appearance of Judy, who has now been placed in a beautiful frame. She will live in my heart for the rest of my life. I cannot thank you enough for the excellent quality of the portrait – it is absolutely great. May you continue to produce fantastic work of this nature.
Thank you so much and very best wishes.
Jack Russell Pencil Portrait Photos
I have added a photo of the completed portrait below too. I take photos of them on my plan chest with my pencils so readers can see the scale of the drawings. We hope you like it too!

Finally we hope you have enjoyed reading about the story of Jack Russell Pencil Portrait of Judy. If you would also like to commission a portrait similar to this, please do get in touch. Why not send me your photos and we can discuss what would be possible for your own portrait. I would love to work with you on a pencil portrait. You can email or message me at any time and also don’t forget to send me your photos too.

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