Welcome to my latest pencil pet portraits montage. Dean, my latest pencil montage, was for a returning client called Lizabeth. The portrait is a 18 x 14 drawing which was framed and sent to the USA. Lizabeth emailed me to thank me for the portrait when she saw the final scan which you can read below…
Hi Melanie,
Perfect! I’ve had emails and FB messages from friends all morning telling me how wonderful they thought it was. Now to sort through photos of my other terriers so I can work on the next one after the first of the year. Going to wait until then as there is no holiday urgency as it is a gift to myself, but I’ll work through the photos and send them as soon as I can.

Pencil Pet Portraits Montage – Photos
Here is a photo of the portrait on my plan chest, to help show scale. This portrait was large at 18 x 14 size and you can see how much work is in each drawing. This is why they are a little more expensive than my set price list, so you can always email me for a quote and let me know your ideas. Every montage is unique so it kind of goes on a case by case commission. It also depends on how many drawings you would like within the montage too.

Commissions a Montage Drawing
The portrait has been framed and it is ready to send to my clients at this stage. We hope you like the final outcome!
Finally if you would like a montage pet portrait of your dog, why not get in touch. What you are looking to achieve are 5 or 6 good quality photos that capture the different characteristics of your dog. From sleeping, running, playing, sitting elegantly in the sunshine, running in water, playing on a beach, standing in a stream, working sheep…or also even sitting on your lap!
Just keep snapping away in the different places or times that you are with your dog and you will eventually come up with a good selection of photos to work from. I always say, take as many as you can as some will be blurry, some will be too far out in the camera to see, but there will be, out of the 30 or so taken at that time, a real gem of a photo. We hope! Send them over at any time and we can discuss which ones would make for a lovely composition unique to you and your dog.

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