Welcome to the Pet Portrait of Cinega. Karen emailed to ask if we would be able to paint a portrait of Cinega for her husbands birthday. The deadline was pretty tight but we had the portrait there in time for faming and then presenting to her husband on his special day. The painting is a 12 x 10 oil on Italian Linen canvas painted by Nicholas and you can see a close up of the scan below. Her eye is just so gorgeous.

Often clients love to see the stages of the portrait in progress and we are always happy to email a few for them to see. It’s quite scary sending the very early stage. For instance the photo below looks quite roughly painted, but this is just the underpainting and drawn out stage. None of what you see here will be seen in the final painting, however it is a very important stage.

Nicholas is adding the areas of colour around Cinega’s mouth and muzzle in the stage. The easel light is shining on the canvas a little, however it gives readers and our clients a good idea of how the painting is coming along.

Framed Portrait
The portrait of Cinega is framed and displayed in our clients home. We absolutely love the frame and the inner slip works so well with the painting. I have added an email from our client for our viewers to read. Both Nicholas and I also love the wooden Orangutan in the photo too – isn’t it wonderful!!!
Hi Melanie,
Portrait is now framed and on the wall. My husband loves it. Thank you. Here are a few pictures.
Best wishes
Karen x

Pet Portrait of Cinega – Photos
I took these photos of Nicholas holding his paintbrush next to the completed painting to show scale. I just adore the wonderful colours he has used in the background which work so well with Cinega’s coat colouring. Her eye glistens and it is so expressive.

This blog post gives a good overall story of an oil painting start to finish. If you have any questions about the process of commissioning an oil painting, please do send us a message. We are always happy to help and advise.

We really hope that you have enjoyed reading about Cinega’s portrait, don’t forget to subscribe to find out what Nicholas is painting next!

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