Welcome to our pet portraits article for Terrier Group magazine. A few months ago we were contacted by a lovely lady called Melanie (yes! same name!) who asked if we were interested in writing an article for them. They wanted us to write about our pet portraits for Terrier Group magazine and we were so excited to hear from them. We emailed Melanie straight away and jumped at the chance. What a wonderful opportunity and we couldn’t wait to discuss our ideas with them.
Melanie, along with editor Muriel gave us some insight into what they wanted from the article. Unanimously we all decided to do it in a questions and answers format. We felt that it would be very readable and a more interesting format for their subscribers to peruse. We also arranged to send some scans of our artwork of terriers, along with a few other animals too. This meant they could intersperse our artwork with the article and it would make it more of an interesting read. It also might let readers see that some of our portraits that look similar to their own dogs.

I love writing and have written a number of articles and a How to Draw Fairies book in the past, so I found it fun to do. I have written courses for an art college too, so I do love writing. Of course writing this blog is always fun. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the article and completed in good time for their deadline. The photo of the English Bull Terrier above, not only as its a favourite painting of ours but it works really well coming out of the page.

Pet Portraits Article Surprise!
A few months went by and we had completely forgotten all about it when the most wonderful surprise landed on our doorstep. The postman delivered a copy! Nicholas opened the magazine and came flying into the art studio to show me. We are over the moon and so grateful to the Terrier Group magazine for sending us a copy all the way from America, to us here in the UK! As a result, I have taken some photos of the magazine article for our readers to see. We hope you enjoy viewing it!

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our pet portraits article for Terrier Group magazine post. If you would like to read more articles, we have collated quite a few questions and answers on our website. We created a page dedicated to this to help young students and children who do school projects on us. You can read more about this on our school projects page.

Finally if you are a dog magazine looking for some lovely pretty content that you think your readers might be interested in, please do drop us a line. We’d love to work with you on an article! We can be contacted at any time via our website, as well as calling us in the studio too.
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Nice to read your blogs. We had our first dusting of snow here 5his morning in Ontario, Canada.
Hi Frances,
So pleased you are enjoying reading our blog. Sounds though winter is setting in over there too. We have had all of the weathers here today. Sunshine, showers, heavy rain, sleet, hail, thunder and strong winds! Lily’s dog training was kind of fun…as soon as it thundered we all went in for a cuppa! I hope you are having a lovely weekend! Melanie x