Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils

Welcome to our latest Labradoodle pet portrait in oils. Richard emailed in August 2017 to arrange a portrait as a Christmas gift for his wife of their Labradoodle called Amber. We do love organised clients! Richard took a number of lovely photos of Amber in their garden. He had a particular favourite of Amber that he wanted Nicholas to portray.

Ambers painting is an 11 x 11 inch portrait, which is a square style portrait. We really enjoy creating the square portrait which really suits certain photos. Although we don’t show square sizes on our pet portraits prices page, our canvases can be made bespoke. So our clients can have any size required. Often we chat about specific sizes when clients email us their photos as some compositions suit square sizes better than others. It can also look and feel quite contemporary, especially if you display the painting without framing.

Amber's Pet Portrait in Oils

Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Progress

Here are a few of the stages of Amber’s painting in progress. We love painting and drawing Labradoodles and so this portrait has been a favourite of Nicholas’s to paint. He started out drawing out and lining in the initial outlines just to make sure he knows where everything is. He then also made sure where the highlights were using white paint.

Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils

The next stage was to block in the main colours. The background was to be fairly strong grass green behind which allowed Ambers light coloured sandy coat to stand out. The easel light is shining on the canvas, you can see what lovely texture it is too.

Oil Painting in progress

Nicholas is starting to add more detail in this stage but you can see he is still blocking in the main tones and curls. it is very easy to get confusing when painting the curls, you have to have your wits about you!

Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils

This stage of the pet portrait is getting towards the end now. You can see Nicholas still has a way to go, but it’s all coming together nicely. The detail on Ambers muzzle is beautiful, it all looks so realistic don’t you think?

Oil painting nearly completed

Pet Portrait Happy Client!

I really love the colours of the Labradoodle pet portrait in oils, it is definitely going to draw the viewers eye when it’s displayed in our clients home. We will be really looking forward to seeing photos of the portrait when it’s framed by their local framer and hanging in situ.

Richard emailed me this message when he saw the final scan…..

Hi Melanie & Nicholas
It really captures Amber so well. I look forward to seeing the original next week.
Best regards

Finally we hope that you have enjoyed viewing Ambers Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils come to life. If you have a Labradoodle that you might like painted similar to Amber, please get in touch. We would love to work with you on a pet portrait of your own. Let us know your ideas.

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2 thoughts on “Labradoodle Pet Portrait in Oils

    1. Hi Andrea!
      I hope that you are keeping well! So glad you like the latest painting. I have had my first commission from Brazil last week! So exciting! Sending very best wishes to you and your family!
      Melanie x

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