Welcome to our Corgi Pet Portraits oil painting of Thomas. Nicholas completed it for a client in the USA. Lisa emailed us the message below which gives a little info about Thomas.
Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
I saw your online beautiful portrait gallery. I would like to commission a portrait of our passed on Welsh Corgi, named Thomas, for my husband ’s Christmas gift. Thomas was our family’s beloved corgi for 14.5 years until he passed last October. I would like to commission an oil portrait head shot of him.
Thank you!
We were delighted to hear from Lisa and read her email. We had just enough time to complete the oil painting prior to Christmas and send it over to them for the big day. The portrait came out beautifully and you can see the final scan below.

Happy Clients!
Thomas headed over to Massachusetts to very happy clients as you can read from the testimonial email below. We find it really touching when we read emails like these, it means we have done our jobs properly!
Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
The portrait of Thomas is awesome! I love it!
What a beautiful likeness! My husband will be thrilled!
Thank you so much!
You were wonderful and so professional to deal with.
We look forward to the arrival of our portrait of Thomas.
As you have read above, Lisa commissioned the portrait of Thomas as a surprise for her husband and we also received this wonderful email from him. We are delighted that he loves the painting of Thomas – thats perfect!!
Dear Melanie and Nicholas,
What an incredible likeness! How incredibly alive he looks! I have the portrait across from the foot of my bed. Each day I can now wake up and see him. It’s almost as if he’s back! What an absolutely wonderful job you’ve done! Thank you so very, very much!
Best regards,
Corgi Pet Portraits – Stages
As you can see Thomas was recognisable right from the very first stage! I managed to get a photo when Nicholas was blocking in the background so you could see. We love to see the canvas half painted like this, they look really arty!

The photos we took during the process came out much cooler in colour to the original artwork. It should, however, give our prospective clients an idea of how the whole process works.

Finally we hope that you have enjoyed reading about the gorgeous Corgi called Thomas and seeing his portrait come to life. If you would also like your Corgi painted or drawn contact us today. Send us your photos and tell us all about your Corgi!

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It’s worderful!!! As all the art you do.