Welcome to our Spaniel oil portrait of Wilf. Steve contacted us asking if we would be able to paint his gorgeous spaniel Wilf who had sadly passed away. Steve’s first email was wonderful. We really appreciated his words and were thrilled to hear he loved our artwork in both mediums.
……I’m hoping you maybe wiling to take on a commission for an oil painting of our spaniel WILF who died earlier this year. I’ve been looking through your website and can only say that you guys are masters of the craft. I’m torn between which of you to ask but think that an oil painting may just have the edge but only because it would enable the colour……
Steve asked to have a 12 x 10 portrait, however we all decided to opt for an 11 x 11 inches portrait. We can have our canvases made bespoke so different sizes are never an issue. Wilf’s ears are quite wide in the photo and so we felt there needed to be a little more room in the portrait so a square shape suited him the best. We hope you like the final outcome below!

Happy Clients
Nicholas thoroughly enjoyed painting Wilf, we both have a soft spot for spaniels and quite often have a number in our commissions list to paint or draw. Steve was thrilled when he saw the final scan of Wilf and you can read his email below.
Thank you so much. Please assure Nicholas it’s absolutely perfect ! Thank you for taking such care.
We’re looking forward to seeing the final article in due course.
Best regards
Here is a wonderful email from Steves wife, who the portrait was for. She had a wonderful surprise and we are delighted.
Dear Melanie,
Thank you so so much for this beautiful painting of my boy Wilf. Your husband has caught him to perfection – brought tears to my eyes to be reminded of what a handsome dog he was. Thank you!
Spaniel Oil Portrait – In progress
Here are a few photos of the portrait of Wilf in progress. All of our clients receive stages of the portrait. We have added a couple of stages below for our readers to see. They show Nicholas painting with his brush in hand. The photos we feel give a much more three dimensional feel to how the portrait actually looks. Often the scans can make the artwork look quite flat, so the photos go some way of showing how three dimensional the painting actually is. The first stages of the oil paintings are always very loose, blocking the basics of the Spaniel oil portrait.

Here is another stage of the Spaniel oil portrait, another blocking in stage but you can see how it’s all coming together. Especially the eyes!

In this next stage Nicholas is adding some highlights to the Spaniels ears. This can be a pretty time consuming job as there are often lots of different curls and waves of all different tones. Long haired dogs definitely take much longer than short haired ones!

The final stage we have here to show is where Nicholas is adding fine details to the spaniels muzzle with all his lovely white whiskers and fine hairs. You can see the colours differ slightly between all of the photos and this is because I take photos under Nicholas’s easel light at different times of day.

Spaniel Oil Portrait – Frame & Engraved Plaque
You can also see plenty of photos on our website of the different plaques we have had made. Our engravers are fantastic and can engrave on Gold, Silver and bronze.

They can write as much or as little text as you wish. The portrait of Wilf overall has lots of warm brown tones, including the frame so we opted for a Bronze plaque which works really well.
Finally we hope that you have enjoyed viewing the Spaniel oil portrait of Wilf If you have a Spinal you would like painted in oils, or even drawn in pencil, please do drop us a line. We would love to work with you!

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