Welcome to my latest Flat Coated Retriever Pencil Portrait. It was traditionally hand drawn by myself Melanie, using graphite pencil. The size of the drawing was 18 x 14 inches on Italian Fabriano paper. The pencil drawing was completed for clients here in the UK. The drawing will be sent off this week to the owners. Kali and Poppy were an absolute joy to draw.
Flat Coated Retrievers are one of my favourite breeds to portray. I have another in my commissions list coming up soon too. We have a friend who has a stunning Flatcoat at our dog training club called Storm. During my time of drawing Kali and Poppy I found myself waiting for my turn at dog training, in a world of my own standing with Storm studying his ears and fur. Luckily Storms owner never minds me gazing at him, as he is simply gorgeous!
Alan emailed when he saw the final scan, and when he received the portrait too, which you can read below.
They are both absolutely brilliant. Thank you. It’s almost as though I am looking at the real thing. We can’t wait to put them up. Thank you.
Dear Melanie
A belated thank you for the safe arrival of your masterpiece. Apologies. We have been moving around and have only just seen it. You have captured each dog perfectly. We are so grateful. Thank you.

Flat Coat Retriever Pencil Portrait – Photos
I have taken some photos of my Flat Coated Retriever Pencil Portrait laid on my plan chest. Also, I always feel my drawings look much more natural in photos than scans. The scanner seems to crate a harshness to them that just isn’t there in the originals.

Kali and Poppy were fantastic Flat Coated Retrievers to draw. I also hope you like the photos I have taken of them. Adding the pencils shows the scale of this drawing and an 18 x 14 size portrait is perfect for Kali and Poppy, especially with their beautiful coats and long fur.

I have drawn a number of Flat Coated Retriever pencil portraits over the years and each one I draw I always say, this has to be my favourite! I truly love the breed and so I think that comes through in the drawings. Well I hope so!

If you have a Flat Coated Retriever and would like to enquire about having a portrait, I am always happy to answer any questions. I create mockups of my portraits prior to putting pencil to paper, so clients always know what the design of their portrait will be like prior to ordering.

Flat Coat Retriever Pencil Portrait – Presentation
This is currently how I am presenting the portraits prior to packing. I cover the drawings in cellophane and then wrap them in brown paper. Then I place one of our stickers on the front along with a business card. I thought the brown paper looked quite rustic.

We have had the cards printed recently and we love them. They are a silvery pale purple colour to match the silver stickers. Quite shabby chic we thought! We found a printers locally to us who can print all sorts of things. It’s always great to have a new contact. I’m still experimenting with my presentation packaging so watch this space as it develops over the coming weeks and months!

Finally I hope that you have enjoyed viewing my Flat Coated Retriever Pencil Portrait and if you would like a portrait of your Flatcoats, please do get in touch. Email or message via WhatsApp at any time.
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