Welcome to our most recent oil painting of pets Harry & Oscar. The family of our clients Judy and Dave commissioned a 20 x 16 oil painting of their two dogs harry and Oscar. Judy got in touch with us when they received the Gift Voucher to start the process of the oil painting commission. They were very excited as both Harry and Oscar were getting elderly in years and they knew that they wouldn’t be around many more years. So this was the perfect time to take photos and design their forever portrait.

Judy wanted both harry and Oscar to be depicted in their garden with the pear trees behind. This was a familiar place and scene that the dogs spent a lot of their time. We all felt that it would make the oil painting very personal.
Judy had taken a number of photos of the dogs separately and it took us a while to get the perfect photos of them so they could sit side by side. This was completed and done! The issue we had though was that it was winter time and the famous pare trees in their garden were not in leaf! So we added Judy and Daves painting into our commissions list. We said that by the time we were able to paint the portrait, the leaves would be coming out for spring. They could take the perfect photo of them for the background – which they did! The mockup above is three photos combined. One of Harry, one of Oscar and one of the garden background with the pear trees. This is what Nichols used to paint form for the oil painting which you see below.

We received this email when the painting arrived to Judy and Dave…
Melanie and Nicholas,
It’s just beautiful and captures our “boyz” looking very natural in their best poses!! Thank you, Thank you! We’re so happy that we have this while they are still with us, too. We’ll see our daughter, Kerry, next week and I’ll be anxious to show her the results of her idea.And we remain most grateful for your talents,
Judy & Dave, Harry & Oscar
Oil Painting Pets of Harry & Oscar – Photos
We like to take some candid photos of the painting. It often gives a much more natural view of the portraits. Here are a few of the painting of Harry and Oscar along with Nicholas’ brushes to help show scale.

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
We love the progress on the portrait and they’ve been captured magnificently! The eyes changed dramatically in the last set and look like those sets of eyes we know!

Oil Painting of Pets – Commission Yours!
If you would like an oil painting of your pets, please do get in touch with us. Email or Whastapp and send us your photos. We can create you a mockup and design the painting like we have here for Harry and Oscar. Even if your dogs aren’t in the same photo, we should be able to put them in the same scene. As long as they are taking at the same or similar eye level. Visit our FAQ page if you would like to find out how the process works and the kind of photos we need for a portrait. Whether you would like a pencil drawing or an oil painting, we look forward to working with you on a portrait soon. Please do visit our website and drop us a line from our Pet Portraits Contact page at any time.

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