Weimaraner Pet Portrait

Welcome to our latest Weimaraner pet portrait, hand painted by Nicholas Beall. Isn’t it fantastic! I think it’s one of my favourite portraits recently that Nicholas has painted. The Weimaraner in question is called Ramses and he was commissioned by clients in the USA at 14 x 11 inches. The portrait was painted on Linen canvas.

Karen and her husband asked to have Ramses painted with a dark background behind. Nicholas paired the colour pallet and tones of Ramses’ coat and matched them for the background. So it’s a kind of silvery, ochre, but also dark brown colour. He also blended Ramses’ back into the background too so he doesn’t have a cut out feel.

As everything is also fairly neutral in tone, it allows Ramse’s eyes to really stand out from the painting. I am pretty sure it’s where everyone looks first, flowing their eyes around down the ear and to the nose. Actually the nose has also been painted stunningly, it has tinges of browns which works with Ramses muzzle colour, the delicate detail is superb.

Weimaraner Pet Portrait

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
That looks stunning and he did such a wonderful job. We are so happy with the way it has turned out!
Thanks again – Karen

Weimaraner Pet Portrait Photos

Here is Nicholas with his hand and paint brush next to the painting for our readers to view the size relationship between the painting and the brush. This also helps to show how small his brushes need to be when he is adding the fine detail around the eyes.

A lovely close up of the pet portrait. The candid photos have come out a little lighter than the final scan above, due to the lighting in the studio.

Here are a couple of photos of the painting on our plan chest. We added paintbrushes by the side so you can see scale. As the background is fairly dark the canvas has picked up some shine where the light was on in the studio. However it hopefully gives our readers a good representation as to what the painting is like. We hope you all like it!

Weimaraner Pet Portrait Eyes

Everything about our Weimaraner pet portrait is all in the eyes. Which is absolutely key for a good pet portrait. It can be very difficult to give a connection when the dog has long fur covering their eyes.. which is kind of how we see our dog Lily a lot of the time. I’m not sure how she actually sees so well!! But in this instance, the eyes are so prominent, it really is the focus of the painting.

Finally we hope you have enjoyed viewing the Weimaraner pet portrait of Ramses. If you have a Weimaraner that you would like Nicholas to create a pet portrait of, please do drop us a line. Send us your photos and let us know your ideas!

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