Melanie’s Monthly News in November

Welcome to Melanie’s monthly news in November! I can’t believe how quickly the months have been flying by. We really haven’t been out and about much at all this month, mainly due to the amount of work we have been doing in the studio. I’m sure you can see judging by how many posts of drawings and paintings we have been making over the last few weeks. We have been busy bees!

On one of our walks though with Lily this month we saw a beautiful rainbow near our home and I took a few photos of it. This photo is two joined together by hand so you can see the full effect of the rainbow. They are never as vibrant as seeing them in real lie but it does show the effect well. Isn’t it beautiful! The weather hasnt been all bad this month, far better than last month with the flooding here so we cant complain.

Melanie's Monthly News in November

Newport, Pembrokeshire

We did manage to get a trip in to Newport, Pembrokeshire for the day which is one of our absolutely favourite places to visit,  eat and relax. We love to visit the Golden Lion bar and resturant as its completely dog freidnly and they ahve a lovely roaring fire in there this time of year. its so homely. Lily loves the beach in Newport and you can see a few photos of her below paddling in the water. The day was beautiful as you can just about see in the photos, clear blue sky and still water. Amazing weather for November in Wales!

Melanie's Monthly News in November
Melanie's Monthly News in November

Llansteffan Coastal Walk

We also did a lovely coastal walk one Sunday after dog training near a fantastic place called Llansteffan. Its another one of our favourite beaches for Lily and has a lovely castle walk too. There is also the option of the coastal walk which we did and the sky and estuary were amazing on the day. it was around 2pm when I took the photos and you can see the sun sparkled on the sea and clouds.

Melanie's Monthly News in November
Melanie's Monthly News in November

If you would like to see some of our dog portrait please do head over to our Our Dog Oil Pet Portraits Gallery. If you are interested in a pet portrait, discuss your ideas and begin the commissioning process – contact us.

Melanie's Monthly News in November

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2 thoughts on “Melanie’s Monthly News in November

  1. Looking at your exquisite drawings of dogs and cats, I am reminded that everyone who sees the portrait you did of our husky, King Chinook, is amazed by it. They admire the delicacy of your pencil strokes, and how that makes his mink-like coat seem so touchable. When I scrape up some more disposable income I’m going to have you do The Cat of My Life. I have some excellent photos of her because I was married to a professional photographer at the time.

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      Thank you so for wonderful message, I am so thrilled that everyone loves the drawing of King Chinook and are impressed by my artwork. I am delighted! You are more than welcome to email me at any time next year, very much looking forward to seeing photos of your beautiful cat, it sounds as though they are exquisite!
      Melanie xx

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