Welcome to Melanie’s April News. What a difference 20 days makes! As you can see from the photo below of our front garden, at the start of April we had an unexpected snow flurry. Woke up to a light covering of white everywhere. Now, here we are at the end of April, scroll down to look at the same patch of garden…..

How pretty is that!?! The bluebells have done so amazingly this year and we definitely have more white and pink in the mix now. I think this is the best they have ever been.

We have been out and about white a bit this month, the photos below are from Llansteffan, one of our favourite places to walk Lily. We tend to stay away at the high seasons and bank holidays as it gets really busy, however it’s becoming a much more popular destination for visitors all through the year. The photo below is of part of the castle looking inland….

….and here are a couple of the view across the estuary and out to sea from the castle walls. Its such a pretty place, no wonder it attracts visitors all year around!

We also headed up to North Wales this month for a day out and about. Planned to leave fairly early and visited a lovely pub for lunch called the Cross Foxes – definitely a recommendation! We try to only frequent dog friendly places to eat so that we can take Lily in. She sat happily under the table and when e were about to leave, was cuddled by a family with children who were visiting the area to collect their very own puppy! How exiting for them!
We then headed on to a little village called Dolgellau which has our favourite bakery in. We indulged in their cakes. They comprised of a Date Slice, a Caramel Brownie and a Raspberry, Almond and White Chocolate Slice. If you are ever in the area – it is again a recommended bakery!
I have to add we didn’t eat them all while we were there having just had an amazing lunch! We had a slither of each with a cup of tea from our flask and took the rest home. There is a lovely walk along side the river and next time we go I will take photos for the blog.

The photos below are of Lily reading a wonderful book a client sent us as a gift from Switzerland called ‘A Look At Lake Constance’. What a beautiful book…however Lily decided that she wanted to be the first to read it. I found her in the studio engrossed…so took a few photos for everyone to see! Thank you Diana!!

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