Welcome to our Double Horse Oil Painting by Nicholas Beall. As you may already know my name is Melanie and I specialise in pencil drawings of pets. Nicholas specialises in the oil paintings. I am the one who writes the blog posts and creates the website. So if you are reading anything on here, it’s all through me!
Our lovely client Greg Piske, emailed us to ask if we would be able to create a portrait of his wife’s two horses. They had sadly passed away so wanted an everlasting memory of them both. He wanted to surprise his wife with the portrait but was unsure what photos she might like to choose. He asked our advice as to what was best.
As time was running short for having a portrait completed for Christmas , we all decided a gift voucher would be the best option. This meant that his wife Jane could have full control over the portrait.
Jane was absolutely delighted to receive the voucher. She sent us her favoruite photos of her horses Finn and Mac for the oil painting. Both Jane and Greg asked for the portrait to be 24 x 18 in size which is a perfect size for the painting. Jane emailed when the painting arrived….
Hi Melanie & Nicholas,
The painting arrived this afternoon safe and sound in perfect order. What a stunning, perfect reflection of each one. From Mac’s permanent bed head forelock to the dimple on Finn’s nose, I couldn’t love each of them more. Also you caught them each magnificently! And yes I cried and yes I’m still weepy. I have no word to express my joy at having them back with me. Nor am I able to thank each of you enough.
Love to you both,
Jane & Greg

Double Horse Oil Painting Displayed
Jane sent a beautiful email when she saw the final photos along with a photo of the painting on their wall….
Oh Melanie!
It looks absolutely fabulous!! Nicholas has captured each boy’s character perfectly. Greg took a look their portrait and was as thrilled I. He said that I would likely cry each time I looked at it for a while and I had to agree as my eyes were welling up. It will be a true test of my patience waiting for it to arrive.
Many, many, many thanks,

Double Horse Oil Painting Framed
We chose the Hampstead frame for this painting, along with Jane of course, as the deep tones of the frame enhance the dark areas of the painting in the horses eyes. The gold line equally enhances the light brown and golden tones and pulls everything together. We feel it is important to have combined tones and colours between the painting and the frame to allow them to marry together and become a unit rather than two separate entities. We hope you enjoy viewing the framed photos below.

Nicholas has been painting horse portraits for over twenty years. He has honed a style that is both highly detailed and lifelike, yet retains a painterly quality.

Double Horse Oil Painting
Each portrait is the result of many hours of work, using high-quality materials to achieve tonally balanced colours in a natural colour pallet, combined with ensuring a stunning likeness of the horse.

Nicholas loves painting in oils on canvas, it’s his favourite medium. He has worked in many over the years from pastel, coloured pencil, acrylic and watercolour. However nothing comes close to the buttery feel of traditional oil paints.

If you would like a Double Horse Oil Painting similar to the one here of Finn and Mac, you are more than welcome to email or whatsApp us at anytime. We are always on hand to discuss your requirements. We also appreciate hearing from our clients and readers, so please leave a message below! Nicholas and I would love to hear from you!
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