Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils

Welcome to our latest blog post about a Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils called Mia, commissioned for a 60th birthday present. Mia is a stunning black Labrador with a glossy coat and beautiful eyes. Nicholas completed her portrait last month, just in time for a very special birthday gift. The painting was commissioned by Alice Bradshaw-Smith as a surprise for her mum, and we were so pleased to be part of her birthday surprise.

Alice explained that her mum’s 60th birthday celebrations had sadly been cancelled due to Covid restrictions, so she commissioned the portrait in the hope it would bring some joy. We gladly prioritised the piece and made sure Nicholas finished it in time for the big day. From the messages we received afterwards, we are so glad we did!

Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils

Nicholas painted the portrait in oils on canvas at a 12 x 12 inch size. Alice and her mum chose to have it framed locally. We were happy to answer questions about framing options, including the use of a floating frame. Nicholas painted around the edges of the canvases, to go with the floating frame, which works perfectly for this style of portrait.

The portrait painted with edges finished.

Happy Clients!

After presenting the painting, Alice kindly sent us some lovely photos. As you can see below they are of her mum holding the portrait with Mia herself sitting proudly beside it. What an amazing photoshoot! We want to say a huge thank you to Alice, her mum, and Mia for taking the time to send these through. They really made our day.

Alice wrote to say:
“We are all still in absolute good books for such an amazing present!”

Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils

Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about our latest Beautiful Black Labrador Painting in Oils of Mia. If you’d like to see more of our Labrador paintings, you might enjoy this recent commission of a chocolate and golden Labrador too. Also completing the Labrador trio of colours! A Special Commission of Two Beautiful Labradors »

To commission your own portrait of a much-loved dog, you might have a Labrador even! You can visit our website to find out more –

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