Deer Head Chihuahua Drawing Of Jasper

Welcome to my latest blog post of a Deer Head Chihuahua drawing of Jasper, commissioned by Josie in the USA as a gift for her mum. Josie had been searching for years for the right artist to capture Jasper. Someone who could bring out his character without tipping into a cartoonish or overly sweet style. I am so honoured that Josie chose me for the commission.

“I have been looking for a sketch artist to draw my mother’s sweet old deerhead chihuahua for years… until I stumbled on your site! I believe you would capture little Jasper perfectly.”
— Josie

A Carefully Commissioned Pencil Drawing

Josie commissioned the portrait at 11 x 14 inches, choosing a classic head and shoulders pencil study on paper. Working from a selection of reference photos, I created a number of mock-ups to help Josie visualise the final piece. We settled unanimously on one perfect photo for the portrait.

“Oh my god. This is amazing. You did an incredible job!! That’s Jasper! It’s realistic and perfectly proportioned, charming but not at all cartoonish like other artists can be — you captured him so skilfully, thank you so much truly.”

Jaspers pencil portrait

What is a Deer Head Chihuahua?

While most people are familiar with the classic “apple-head” Chihuahua, deer-head Chihuahuas have a longer muzzle, flatter skull, and a more delicate, refined silhouette. Often compared to a young fawn, hence the name. They tend to have a slightly larger build than their apple head cousins. Their fine features and expressive eyes are perfect for a pencil drawing. Capturing Jasper in graphite was a pleasure.

Jaspers pencil drawing Melanie’s March Monthly News

Happy Clients

Once the drawing was completed and carefully packaged. I sent it across the Atlantic in time for Josie’s mum to open the surprise gift. Josie sent the emails below along with the amazing photo of Jasper, Josies mum and the drawing framed and in situ.

“My mother just received the portrait. She LOVES IT! It’s amazing — she can’t stop talking about it. And your card was so thoughtful Melanie!”

“Thank you again, so much: Jasper’s nearing the end of his life, and my mom has had dogs her whole life but Jasper’s her favourite. So this is truly meaningful for the whole family.”

Deer Head Chihuahua Drawing Of Jasper

Deer Head Chihuahua Drawing Of Jasper

I hope that you have enjoyed reading about my Deer Head Chihuahua Drawing Of Jasper. If you’d like to see another special pencil commission, take a look at Merry the Black Labrador here – Black Labrador Pencil Portrait of Merry. You can also browse more pencil drawings and learn how to commission your own at our dedicated website. If you would like a pencil drawing of your pet, please do get in touch at any time.

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