Melanie’s March Monthly News

Welcome to our Melanie’s March Monthly News. We hope that everyone is keeping still safe and well. In some uncertain times, we hope our blog post this month will bring a smile. So we start with our poor Lily, although she has been under the weather, the photo of her below in my T shirt should make you go ahh! She recently had a minor upset where her fur started to come out and she was itching quite a bit. She scratched herself under her arms and lost all the fur.

The vet was absolutely wonderful and gave her targeted steroids and a shampoo. She suggested Lily wore a loose t-shirt for a few days to help the sore patches heal. What could be better than one of my colourful and breathable running t-shirts. Lily was born in Swansea and the shirt is from my Swansea 10K last year, so very apt. She is feeling much better now. All she needs to do is grow her beautiful fur back!

Melanie’s March Monthly News

Paddy & Bobby’s Oil Paintings

If you read our blog post from last month, you might have seen the oil painting of Paddy which has now been framed and sent to Sharon our client. It joins the portrait that Sharon commissioned Nicholas to paint a few years ago of her other dog Bobby.

Sharon very kindly had a photo taken of herself with the portraits and we absolutely love it. It will be going on our website this month! Sharon emailed us a wonderful testimonial too which you can read below…

Melanie’s March Monthly News Happy clients

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,

My parcel has just arrived.  Thank you so much, the portrait is simply beautiful and captures little Paddy so well, in fact I think it may be bigger than he actually was!  Please pass on my thanks to Nicholas – he has done such a beautiful job – he has such talent.    

Thanks again – it’s so lovely to know that my Bobby and Paddy will always be with me.

S x

Pet Portrait Oil Painting

Melanie’s March Monthly News – Pencil Portrait of Flipette

A commission that I absolutely loved drawing this month was Flipette. It was commissioned just prior to Christmas and the recipient, based in France, received one of my gift voucher cards on Christmas Day. Laurent messaged with lots of beautiful photos of Flipette to work from and this is the outcome below. I hope you like it!

Laurent said….

Hello Melanie,
Amazing it is really Flipette. Your work is remarkable. Looking forward to seeing it in real life and making my comment.

Pet portraits in pencil
Melanie’s March Monthly News

Nicholas took a photo of me with the portrait out in front of our studio, the sun was shining in my eyes, but at least it shows scale!

Melanie Pet Portraits in Pencil

I also took a few photos of the portrait with my packing materials, I have yet to add the new packing photos to my website. The days and weeks keep flying too fast! I will hopefully get some time to do website updates this month.

Melanie’s March Monthly News
Packaging Pet Portraits in Pencil
Melanie’s March Monthly News

Still Running….!

I have still been running with the gang along with doing extra runs with Harvey whilst the others do cycling for their cycling events. We tackled the Park Run again, as you can see in the photo below, and did a 10k with the gang this month too. We finished it off at our local and amazing coffee shop called Ffab… and it is fab! The cake is divine.

Harvey and I also did an 8 mile run at Cors Caron along the old railway line and boardwalk. It was nice and flat although at one point you could pretty much see 3 miles ahead in one long straight line. It is nice to have markers rather than a single distance view point but we did it! We only walked on and off for a breather a few times which was great. We are in training for our Swansea Half Marathon in June, so more updates of where we have run next month!

The Gang

Melanie’s March Monthly News – Walking

And finally, we are still taking Lily on our favourite little lane walk daily. The weather, although unsettled, has not been bad with some blue skys as you can see below. Spring is on its way although the temperatures have been fluctuating a lot, so roll on summer please!! 🙂

Melanie’s March Monthly News

We hope you have enjoyed our blog this month, we will have lots more photos in April, as we have a little short break planned and will post plenty of pics and stories for you to read! Until then!!

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