Melanie’s January & February News

Welcome to Melanie’s January & February News. Our Happy New Year 2023 blog post is long overdue this year. So much has happened in the last couple of months which is partly why I didn’t get time to do a January News. Both Nicholas and I… along with many people in the UK, came down with the flu that has been going around. I had it over Christmas and beyond with a nasty cough. Nicholas caught it a little after and it affected him pretty badly and ended up with a cough for 5 weeks.

February came along and we some kind of catastrophe every week. My father was taken seriously ill while on holiday in Spain. He is recovering after a major op and thank goodness for the excellent health care out there. Life won’t quite be the same for him, but he is doing very well and will be home soon. We were then shocked to hear that our accountant passed away very suddenly. He had only retired a couple of months prior. Then our beautiful car had an unfortunate mishap (another car backed into it) in a car park. It has been a huge hassle to sort out and we have had to do all of the leg work ourselves. I am definitely changing insurance companies next year! It’s going to take a while to get fixed and we wont be going far from home for a while. They say things come in three’s, but I believe we have had more than our fair share of ‘threes’ in the last couple of months.

Happy Pancake Day!

I have still been doing a bit of running, but not as regular as before Christmas, with things happening and the bad weather. But! One thing my running buddy and I planned was to go to our usual café where all the running gang meet after running on a Saturday and have Shrove Tuesday Pancakes. They had advertised them earlier in January and we were really looking forward to it. These pancakes were only available on Shrove Tuesday day though… so we had to go there and make it a special day! We ran 5k prior to work up an appetite and had the pancake called Mars Attack. Absolutely scrummy.

Pancake Day!! Melanie's January & February News
Ffab cafe - Melanie's January & February News

And Lily..

A silly moment when I was cuddling Lily at my desk… and decided to put my glasses on her. I think they look way better on her than me!!! I hope this makes you smile!

Melanie's January & February News - Lily the Tibetan Terrier

Hopefully next month we will have a much more cheery blog post with lots of new artwork to show. The weather should be a bit better so fingers crossed for some spring flower photos from the garden too. We hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and New year, and if you would like to read our Christmas blog post, why not head over to my December Monthly News and take a look at our cottage all decorated. See you in March!

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