Oil Painting of Rob

Welcome to our latest commission, the oil painting of Rob the dog! Nicholas had the pleasure of painting a beautiful oil portrait of Rob, and he enjoyed every minute of painting him. Such a lovely striking and engaging pose too.

Working closely with our client, Gary, we aimed to create a piece that not only captured Rob’s likeness. Also complementing Gary’s lounge room where the painting was going to be displayed. Nicholas painted the portrait on a 12 x 10-inch fine-grain linen canvas. It features a neutral greyish background that actually not only matched with Gary’s interior but also with Rob too. Additionally, at Gary’s request, Nicholas removed the large collar and lead from the reference photo to allow the focus to be on Rob, rather than a large collar trying to take centre stage.

Gary said the following when he saw the painting….

That is perfect, thank you so much. Sadly, we lost Rob a couple of months ago, so this will be really precious to us. Really looking forward to receiving it!
Thank you.

Oil Painting of Rob

We were so sad to hear that while Gary’s portrait of Rob was in our commissions list, they lost Rob. We were delighted to have been able to honour Rob’s life in creating Gary and his family a wonderful reminder of their beautiful family pet, for them all. The photo below was a photo taken just prior to packing. You can see all of the presentation materials that went alongside.

Painting of Rob with the packaging
Oil Painting of Rob

Happy Clients

Our client Gary very kindly sent us a photo of the painting displayed in their home. We are sending an official thank you to Gary and his family for allowing us to share this with everyone.

Oil Painting of Rob

Hand Painted Dog Portraits

Nicholas hand paints each oil portrait using traditional methods and materials. This ensures that every piece is a unique work of art. To see more of Nicholas’s dog portraits, visit our Dog Oil Pet Portraits Gallery. Here you’ll find a large range of previous commissions to view.​ Why not also take a look at our commission of Wilson and Bella. Similar to Rob each dog painted on 12 x 10 canvas.

Commission Your Own Pet Portrait

If you would like to have an oil portrait of your own dog similar to Rob, we would love to work with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your ideas and requirements. We look forward to creating a beautiful painting for you and your family.

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