Advice on Framing Pet Portraits

Welcome to our latest blog post giving advice on framing pet portraits. As some of our regular readers might be aware, we used to frame our paintings and drawings. We have done for many years. I found the best framers in Suffolk, UK for framing our oil paintings. Plus an absolutely amazing framer called Amanda who has a frame shop in Yorkshire for our pencil drawings. We trundled along for a number of years completely happy with our framers and the way they created our frames. They literally were absolutely perfect.

Unfortunately during Covid, our Suffolk framers decided that it was time for them to retire. No one else in the UK, that we knew of, could even come close to their skill. They were pure craftsmen. We had such a difficult decision to make. Did we look for someone else that we perhaps always knew in our heart of hearts weren’t up to their standard, or make the decision not to frame any longer.

I think the decision was kind of made for us. I fell ill having had a virus (not covid) at the end of 2021 which knocked me out for a number of months. Plus Nicholas was still suffering with Long Covid. So we decided to put a hold on the framing for 6 months to give ourselves time to decide what was best to do.

Our decision was made…

So by mid 2022 when I was feeling better and Nicholas not so bad, we re-looked at the previous 6 months. We realised no one had actually minded that we weren’t offering framing anymore. On the contrary, clients were quite happy to have their local framers make all the arrangements. It was less worry for me packing the portraits and sending them across the globe. Clients were happy and we were happy too.

So this decision made me relook at how we present the portraits. I am so pleased about the presentation of them now. We really love the way clients receive them and especially when they are bought as gifts. They can be handed over to the recipient all ready wrapped and beautifully presented.

Advice on Framing Pet Portraits
Advice on Framing Pet Portraits

Advice When Choosing a Framer for Oil Paintings

So with all this in mind, I thought it might be good to create a new blog post, sharing some tips and advice on framing pet portraits. Also how to commission a framer to frame our oil paintings and pencil drawings, based on my personal experience and knowledge.

Our oil paintings are painted on canvas, and the canvas is pretty durable and easy to care for. Any good framer will help you choose the right moulding and will carefully frame the painting without damaging, or screwing anything into the canvas itself. You can always ask to see examples of previous oil paintings they have framed. My advice would be to always turn them over to see how it’s done on the back.

The frame you choose should match the colours and tones of the painting, as well as the decor of the room where you plan to hang it. The frame should not overpower or overshadow the painting, but rather complement and balance it.

If you visit a good quality framer, their materials will reflect this. The frame should be sturdy and well-made, using high-quality materials and craftsmanship. You should avoid cheap or flimsy frames that might warp over time as this might affect the canvas.

Advice When Choosing a Framer for Pencil Drawings

My pencil drawings are drawn on high quality paper, which is a delicate and fragile material. When you commission a framer to frame your pencil drawings, make sure you discuss your requirements before hand. Including the colour of the matt / mount, the type of glass and the mouldings.

So the matting or mounting is a cardboard border that surrounds the drawing inside the frame. The matting serves several purposes. It creates a visual space between the drawing and the frame. It prevents the drawing from touching the glass or acrylic glazing. Plus it enhances the aesthetic appeal of the drawing by creating contrast with it’s colours and tones.

You should choose a matting that is acid-free and has archival-quality. This means it will not deteriorate or damage the drawing over time. You can also have a double matt or mount using different colours or tones which can really enhance the drawings.

The same principles that apply to framing oil paintings also apply to framing pencil drawings. You should choose a frame that suits the drawing, as well as the decor of your room. However, since pencil drawings are usually more subtle and delicate than oil paintings, you might want to opt for a simpler frame that does not distract from the drawing itself.

Finally you have options regarding glazing. From UV-resistant glass, non reflective glass or acrylic glazing. Glass or acrylic glazing is a must when framing drawings. It’s the only way to fully protect them. Please always add a matt / mount before adding the glazing. It is important that the drawing has a gap between the two to allow it to breathe.

Guidance? Just get in touch!

By commissioning a professional framer they will understand your needs and preferences. We always say that if your framer requires any advice, they are alway more than welcome to email us, or call us. Nicholas and myself are happy to guide our clients and framers at any time. Finally hope that you have found our Advice on Framing Pet Portraits helpful and interesting. If there are any subjects you would like to see us discuss in our blog posts next year, please do let us know.

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