Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Earlier this year Harvey (my running, walking and workout buddy) casually said to me that he would like to do the Aberaeron to Lampeter walk. He had joined a group challenge a number of years ago and this walk was 22 miles across fields, up and down dale. I was up for the challenge and said.. I’ll do it with you!

We modified the route slightly as there were two sections which routed you a long way around, to avoid two small sections of B roads. We went the more direct route so it actually bought it down to 17.5 miles. Having said that, this walk was less about the speed and milage. It was more about navigating our way, finding our route through the fields and getting home alive and in one piece….! We could not have done this without Nicholas’s help. Nicholas prepared the route map on my Garmin watch, provided lunch at a mid way stop and collected us from Lampeter at the end.

Starting in Aberaeron

So we started at 8am in Aberaeron, which you can see below. They are currently improving the sea defences, so the town is completely upside down with diggers, workmen, bollards etc. Not the pretty harbour front we know and love at the moment.

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Myself and Harvey ready for the off at the Harbourmaster in Aberaeron. We started early in the morning and the weather was forecast to be good, we had plenty of provisions.. so we were off! Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk here we come!

Melanie and Harvey ready for the Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

We managed to get to the Aeron valley and started to go off road which we were pleased about. When you come to a fork in the road.. do you take the high road or the low road? We didn’t know. So we took the high road…

were we going the right way?

It went up and up and up… So far up we were almost looking down on Felinfach and the old cheese factory.

Felinfach old cheese factory

I have to say this part was very pretty, perfect for wildlife and the foxgloves were stunning.

Foxgloves on the Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

We continued to go up…. But when you go up you either have to come down… or inevitably come to a dead end. Which is what we did. Walking up here only provided us with scratched legs from brambles! So time to back track and go down to the low road!!

We were determined to climb to the top of the hill just in case it was the right direction!

On the Right Path Again…

Once we were back on the lower path, which we now realise was the official Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk trail, we realised that this had to be the right track and it was perfect to walk along. Nice and shady too.

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

We came out to two lovely wooden bridges with styles … with cows the other side who looked very interested in what we were doing!

cows on the Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

The Aeron river, which was surprisingly very low considering how much rain we have had recently, was beautifully winding along our pathway.

The Aeron valley and river

Pitstop and Paddling

Time for a pitstop to look at the map… and for the ‘pretend youngster’ to take more selfies!

Melanie and Harvey studying the map.

From around this point we started to see the round signs with arrows saying Aberaeron to Lampeter walk. It’s only when you think this all through clearly that you realise the arrows are actually pointing you in the direction you need to be heading – they are not just saying… yes come this way you are on the right path. Quite the revelation when you stand in a field and think.. which way now!

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

In the main, the cows were too warm and comfy to get up and come and see us. There were a few youngsters who were interested in us and I just gently made a shooing sound to scare them away a little. I don’t think id have liked to have taken a dog in the field though.

Happy cows which we had to traverse!

Once we were across the cow field, we ended up walking parallel to the river Aeron which was so pretty. Stunning. I think this was my favourite part. It was sunny and warm and we were doing well.

Beautiful Aeron river on the Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

We even found a place to stop for a break, which was good for Harvey as we had been going nearly 3 hours by this point. This was the.. ‘oh look ill take a photo of you…’ ‘ok I will take a photo of you….’ moment.

Well deserved break on the river aeron

My trainers and socks were soaked from going on the upper track earlier when in the brambles so I decided it would be amazing to cool off in the river. Perfect. In fact this was definitely my favourite area of the journey.

Melanie in the river paddling!

Leaving the river behind, the views were beginning to get stunning. So many photo opportunities.

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Lunch Break

Around half an hour of walking later we were in a small place called Talsarn. This was where we had planned to meet Nicholas who had already made up all of the rolls and food for our long awaited lunch.

Melanie and Harvey in Talsarn

Once we had been revived with food and a much needed cup of tea.. we were off again and on the right trail. We even had a huge yellow arrow this time. So we were going the right way!

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

We climbed up quite high and the views again were stunning. It was the perfect day and weather for it.

The views on the walk were stunning, looking over the valley

By 1pm we were off road completely walking through what looked like an ancient roadway. Here you could imagine a pony and trap trekking through the trees, or farmers driving their cattle from place to place. The beach trees were incredible.

Old routes lines with beach trees

Someone must look after these tracks, whether it be the council or the landowners. The paths were easy and clear to follow. It looked as though this had been cleared either by a strimmer or perhaps sheep!

Fabulous trails on the route walk

Oddly parked in the middle of nowhere in a field, were two old army vehicles. Not quite sure what they were doing there or who they belonged to, but definitely photo worthy.

Army trucks in the field

Once past the army trucks we were heading though more beautifully covered tracks and traversing fallen trees! It was all so beautiful though we didn’t mind a bit!

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

High up on the Hilltops

By 1.30 we were definitely high up on the top of the hills. We started to have more gates to either climb or open. We had climbed quite a few and by this time we were like… not another gate! I think we definitely preferred the ones that opened.

the walk was well signed most of the way

You can see we are up high here, the sky and clouds were incredible. I think we were getting a little tired by this point but we still had a number of miles to go!

long trails and beautiful skys

I found this field very pretty, full of buttercups and daisy’s.

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Once we had traversed another gateway, we found a lovely pond. Perfect for wildlife, although we didn’t see any ducks or geese I’m sure it must have them as visitors.

wildlife ponds along the way.

Heading across another field and the sky’s were still amazing.

blue skys, white clouds on the Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Once we were right up the top here, you could both hear and see the Skylarks. I’m pretty sure they were nesting in the ferns so we were careful to just keep to the path to walk across the field.

right up high with skylarks singing


I saw in the distance a tower. I have since found it is called the Derry Ormond Tower. It is grade II listed and was built by unemployed men in early nineteenth century. It was funded by John Jones, squire of Derry Ormond House which has sadly since been demolished. You can view photos of the amazing mansion and the people who live there on the Coflein website. Once there click on the images tab to view the incredible photos of a past now erased from our landscape. Well, apart from the tower and a few outbuildings of course.

Derry Ormond Tower

By half past 2 we started to head back down to lower grounds and back through wooded areas and trails.

Aberaeron to Lampeter Walk

Again the trees were substantial and definitely held the secrets of these old and fairly forgotten lanes.

More beach tree lined trails on the walk

Finally we were heading to a small place called Silian and back on the road again.

on the road to Silian

By quarter to 3 in the afternoon we could finally see Lampeter in the distance. For Harvey a relief as it had been a long day and a number of hours walking.

View looking towards Lampeter
Arriving in Lampeter

You know that you are in Lampeter when you see the University of Wales Lampeter! This is where we met Nicholas and Lily.

University of Wales Lampeter

Nicholas drove us to Aberaeron to find Harvey’s car where we had left it that morning. And what do you do at the end of a long walk? Have an ice cream of course!!

We have to say again, we couldn’t have done this without Nicholas. His preparation with the navigating and creating the map to add on my watch, the well timed lunch meet up. Plus of course collecting us at the end.

I hope that you have enjoyed following our trail of our Aberaeron to Lampeter walk. If you are thinking about doing it, I would wholeheartedly encourage it. Take plenty of water with you, stinging nettle cream was a must. Plasters for scrapes, sun cream, hats and sunglasses, plus protein bars kept us going on the first leg. If you attempt it, we hope you have as much fun as we did! If you missed last months may blog post, check it out here – Melanie’s May Moments.

Melanie and Harvey eating ice cream!  Nicholas and Lily also enjoying ice cream not pictured!

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