Welcome to one of our latest portraits to be completed which is a Sheltie Oil Pet Portrait. The painting is an 18 x 14 oil on linen canvas. Kimberly, based in the USA, commissioned the Sheltie Pet Portrait of Joey. She will be giving it as a surprise gift for her partner. Nicholas has pained a number of Shetland Sheepdog portraits over the years however this one is definitely our favourite. The deep dark tones of the background really allow Joey to stand out from the canvas. Nicholas has used a fairly limited pallet on the sheltie painting and kept everything very soft, hence the beautiful outcome of the painting. Kimberly was thrilled with the portrait and emailed us when she saw the final scan which you can read below.
Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
I’ve shown all stages to a couple of family members and friends. All are blown away by how beautiful it looks. Just wanted to share!

Pet Portrait Framed
Our pet portraits will last more than a lifetime. In fact many of our clients who order from us intend to hand them down through the generations. So the materials Nicholas uses need to be long lasting, archival and of extreme high quality. This is why we constantly try to source the best materials available to us here in the UK. So Joey has been painted on Linen canvas and has been framed using sustainably sourced wood.

Portrait in Progress
Here are a few photos to show how Joey’s portrait developed through the painting process. The first photo below shows Joey all drawn out and lined in on the canvas.

The second stage below shows the whole of the canvas now blocked in and ready for some ticker layers of paint on joey himself.

Nicholas has added Joeys eyes in, as they did looks quite stary above! Luckily it was just the underpainting. They look much more natural now, and so alive!

Still underpainting but you can see it coming together. This is a hugely close up photo, we don’t normally see the paintings this close, however we wanted to show the detail, the depth in the paint and also the texture in the canvas.

Sheltie Oil Pet Portrait Video
Finally here is a video of the Sheltie Oil Pet Portrait, we hope you enjoy watching and don’t forget to subscribe!
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