Welcome to my Siamese cats pencil portrait of Tai & Chi. This is the first time I have drawn Siamese cats. Not that breed of dog or cat makes any difference when painting or drawing. We can portray any breed. It’s more that I am surprised we haven’t been commissioned to portray a Siamese cat before as they are popular cats to own.
When I was studying at my first art college, my landlady had a Siamese cat called Flora. She was so lovely. Such a fun little character. She got on well with Charles the Cocker Spaniel who also resided there. They were both a lot of fun and I was so pleased to have animals for company on my first year away from home.
So having lived with a Siamese cat for a year it was really lovely to be able to have the opportunity of drawing one for clients. Nancy, my client emailed me plenty of photos of Tai and Chi. The portrait was to be a Christmas gift to her daughter who lived in the USA. Nancy resided in London and so there was quite a lot of organising on Nancys part. She ended to get everything arranged in time to give the portrait to her daughter for Christmas.

I drew the portrait at the 14 x 11 size which was perfect for the cats. They were sunning themselves in the garden in the summer. Due to their light coloured fur, I shaded the background too. It makes for a wonderful scene and I hope you like it.
Hi Melanie,
They look wonderful! My daughter will be so pleased. The picture is travelling to San Francisco (Berkeley) where she is at uni.
Siamese Cats Pencil Portrait Photos
Here are a few photos of the Siamese cats Tai and Chi. They are all finished and ready to send to my client. I like to take photos of my pencils drawings before I pack them. They tend to look more natural than the finished scans. I also add a few pencils on the artwork to help show scale.

I hope you have enjoyed viewing the portrait of Tai and Chi and if you have a Siamese cat you would like portrayed please drop me a line, I would love to work with you!

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