Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie

Welcome to our cat portrait of Ginger and Maggie.  Our client Irene contacted us to see if we could create an oil painting of her two cats Ginger and Maggie. Sadly Ginger had recently passed away very suddenly and Irene sent us this beautiful email which you can read below.

Hi Melanie and Nicholas
….I have been looking at your website for a long time, ever since my precious girl, Ginger passed last March. Her littermate sister, Maggie, was her best friend and she grieved for a long time after Ginger’s death. So, this is why I would like to have an oil portrait of them and perhaps their favorite toy…..

We often hear about our clients visiting our website daily and weekly watching everything that we are doing. Especially our blog, which is a great place to keep an eye on! Clients seem to do this while they are deciding on exactly what they would like to commission.

Irene emailed us all of the photos she had of Ginger and Maggie. We spent a long time creating a mock up trying to get them sitting or laying together in a pose. The only thing Irene had requested was for them to both be together. We used a number of photos to create this composition and came up with a beautiful scene below, even getting one of their favourite toys in the scene too.

The portrait was painted by Nicholas on an 18 x 14 size canvas. Nicholas has created beautiful soft strokes in Ginger and Maggie’s fur. The whiskers also help to create a very three dimensional feel to the painting. Irene and her husband Bob were delighted with the portrait and you can read a lovely email they sent once they had unwrapped the portrait…

Dear Melanie and Nicholas,
We are very grateful for your wonderful care of us and to Nicholas for creating such a miraculous painting of my two loving girls. When we received the bundle and my husband and I opened it, I started crying and the only words he was able to say was “Oh wow!”. It truly is magnificent and as you said, the photos of the painting do not do justice to the beauty of this painting in vivo. I am hoping that we can have Tony, my big boy, pose for a painting of his own. Maggie will probably accompany him because she is everyone’s friend, ever caring and loving girl.
Thank you so much Melanie! Thank you very much dear Nicholas!
Irene and Bob

Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie – Photos

Here are some close up photos of Nicholas painting the portrait and also a couple of the portrait framed with a plaque.
Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie

Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie
Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie

And finally if you would like to commission a portrait of your cats, please drop us a line. Its never an easy task to choose the right photo for a portrait of a cat, or a dog, that has passed away. We are relying on your photos, so gather as many as you can find and email or message them to us at the largest size you have them. We can then let you know what might be possible for a portrait. Email or WhatsApp us at any time. Also don’t forget to send us your photos and let us know what size portrait you might like.
Cat Portrait of Ginger and Maggie

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