Pencil Pet Portraits of Teasel

Welcome to my latest Pencil Pet Portraits of Teasel and the story behind the portrait. The pencil drawing is a 12 x 10 sized portrait Hot Pressed paper. It was drawn for a lovely client called Paula based in Cornwall, UK. Sadly Teasel had recently passed away and Paula wanted to commission a pencil drawing to remind her of all of the amazing times she shared with Teasel. Paula’s first emailed to us included this…

Hi Melanie,
….She was called Teasel, as when we bought her as a pup, her hair on her head used to stand up on end like a thistle, bless her. I don’t know if you have pets, but if you do, you most likely know that they are never with us for long enough. Through you we can have a lasting tribute to her….

We knew exactly what Paula meant, similarly we have owned dogs and rescued animals all of our lives and each one holds a special place in our heart. Even if they have only been with us for their retirement years, they are still part of the family.

Paula emailed me the most beautiful photo of Teasel which was perfect for a portrait. She was an absolute joy to draw and I hope you like her too…

Paula framed the portrait and I really love the frame she chose. It works really well with Teasel and also fits with the décor of Paula’s home well. Paula emailed me a really lovely email which you can read below too.

Dear Melanie,
Many apologies for the delay in sending my photo holding my beautiful portrait of my dear dog Teasel that you so kindly drew for me. I was struggling to find the perfect frame that would her drawing justice. I have also passed on your details to family and friends who, like me were blown away with your talent. Your drawing has helped me through some sad and lonely times, I cannot thank you enough.
Best wishes
Paula. xxx

Pencil Pet Portraits Photo and Video

Here are a few close up photos of Teasel on my plan chest with my drawing pencils along with a video of the portrait too. I find the close up photos of the portraits, really help to capture the drawing better than a stand alone photo or scan. You can see the pencil marks much more clearly and view the details. I also try to add my pencils in to help to show scale.

Pencil Pet Portraits

Pencil Pet Portraits

Finally, I hope that you have enjoyed reading about my latest Pencil Pet Portraits of Teasel. You can also see Teasel’s portrait on my dog portraits gallery  – Teasels Portrait >>  along with many of my other pencil portraits too. If you have a dog that you would like drawn similar to Teasel, please do drop me a line. Let me know your ideas for a portrait and send me some of your photos. I’m certain we can work together on a portrait that you will also cherish for many years to come, just like Paula.

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8 thoughts on “Pencil Pet Portraits of Teasel

    1. Hiya Sue, so sorry for the delay I wasn’t notified about any of the comments on this post. WordPress didn’t email me lol. Perhaps its been the weather 😉 Yes we have had bad storms here too, broadband has been hit on many occasion. Really looking forward to the warmer weather coming, its freezing out there still and its nearly may. Global warming not! Global colding! I hope that you are all well and busy! Melanie xx

    1. Hi Teresa, Sooo sorry for not replying, I wasn’t notified of your comment. Technology eh! I use Italian Fabriano and you can get it from Ken Bromleys. I use a hot pressed version otherwise its too toothy 🙂 I hope that you are well! Melanie x

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