Welcome to our latest and most gorgeous piece to be completed of a Dachshund oil painting of Lilly. The portrait of Lilly was commission by returning client Nicola from Cardiff. Nicolas has commissioned many oil paintings for over the years of her dogs and horses. She has four gorgeous Dachshunds called Harry, Mia, Lilly and Ted and they have also all had their portraits done from early puppy hood to adults.
This portrait is of Lilly sleeping as a puppy – isn’t it gorgeous! Nicholas thoroughly enjoyed painting Lilly and we have added the final scan below. Nicola wanted fairly neutral background and we felt keeping a limited pallet of colours would work really well. The original painting actually glowed with warmth here in the studio, its very tricky to show that in a photo or a scan.

Dachshund Oil Painting of Lilly in Progress
We have added some lovely photos of the oil painting in progress, also with Nicholas’s hand and brush to help show scale. The painting is 26″ x 14″ and it is a traditional oil on linen canvas. You can see this is a very early stage however Nicholas has really captured Lilly’s sleeping pose already!

The photo has come out a little purple, however these are still the underlayers. Nicholas uses many layers when he paints his portrait. I think we loose count in how many layers he uses when painting, but it is a lot! You can also see Nicholas’s pallet in the photo below too.

Commission your own Dachshund Portrait
Here is a close up mid stage where Nicholas is adding detail to Lilly’s soft little tummy area.
I hope that you have enjoyed reading about our Dachshund Oil Painting of Lilly and if you have a Dachshund that you might like painted, whether as a puppy or an adult, please let us know. We would love to work with you on a portrait.
Finally, if you might prefer to have your Dachshund in pencil, have a look at my latest pencil drawing … also called Lily! How crazy is that! Dachshund Pencil Drawing of Lily If there isn’t a size you see listed on our Prices and Sizes page, let us know and we can quote for you.

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