Welcome to our latest dog oil painting of Lilly, painted by Nicholas. The portrait is a 12 x 10 inches portrait and was painted as a graduation gift for a returning client. I have add Janes initial email below. We always remember our clients. Although we have to be honest, we have been pet portrait artists professionally for over 20 years and we don’t always remember the clients names…however we do remember the pets names that we paint and draw!! We remember Harry very well and he is currently adoring our horse portraits gallery!
Dear Melanie and Nicholas
I don’t know if you remember us, you did a most beautiful painting of my daughters horse Harry , for her graduation a few years ago. It was Maja that arranged it all for her sister, it is now Maja’s turn to graduate. I wondered if it was possible to book in to do a painting of her Daxhound Lilly. Looking forward to hear from you
Jane and her family emailed us around 20 photos of Lilly’s photoshoot which was perfect. We are always thrilled to receive lots of photos to work with, especially if they are good quality and in focus! We unanimously settled on a lovely photo for Nicholas used as the basis for the painting. The portrait is now complete and happily residing in its home in Scotland, with very happy clients!

Dog Oil Painting of Lilly in Progress
Here is a close up photos of the portrait with Nicholas’ paint brush next to the painting so you can see scale. Just look at her beautiful shiny eye! Nicholas is a fabulous oil painter and the light and soul he captures in each painting is beautiful. The photos are obviously very close up below, you would rarely see an oil painting this close, you can even see the texture of the canvas. We wanted our clients to see how detailed and how fine the brushes are that Nicholas used.

We hope that you have enjoyed viewing our latest dog oil painting of Lilly. If you would also like a portrait similar to this, please do drop us a line at any time. Don’t forget to send us your photos and let us know your ideas for a portrait. Finally, if you would like to see Nicholas’s latest oil painting of a horse, head over to the oil portrait of Artu. We look forward to working with you on an oil painting soon!

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