Dog Portrait of Django

Welcome to my Dog Portrait of Django. Andrew, from the East Coast of the United States, emailed to ask if he could have a portrait of his friends dog drawn as a gift for her. Andrew wanted an 18 x 14 full body portrait laying down. We initially discussed this idea from the photos he emailed. However the photo wasn’t all that good quality so I asked if it was possible to take new photos.

The wonderful news that he was able to get new photos especially for the pencil drawing was superb. Andrew emailed me a range of photos a few weeks later that he had taken. There were many that were perfect for a portrait. Photos are absolutely key in creating a detailed portrait. Both Nicholas and not only like to add plenty of detail in our work, but we also like to see light and shadows too. This really helps to create a realistic portrait.

Andy emailed me when he saw the final scan and you can read just one of his emails below. We exchanged a number of emails. Andrew even sent me a photo of his back garden when it had snowed! He had a number of feet of snow! I always love conversing with my clients and finding out what its like where they live.

Hello Melanie,
Wow! The portrait is absolutely beautiful! Thank you and you do incredible work!
Best Regards,

Dog Portrait of Django

Commission a Dog Portrait

If you would like to commission a portrait from us, you are more than welcome to email or message us. Let us know if you would like a pencil drawing like Django, or perhaps you might prefer an oil painting. Have a look at one of Nicholas’s most recent paintings of a dog called Lilly. If you are undecided, send us your photos and we can help you choose. We can give you advice and guidance on perhaps what might work best. We look forward to working with you on a portrait soon and hope that you have enjoyed viewing the portrait of Django to!

Dog Portrait of Django

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