Happy New Year 2017 to all of our readers! We hope that everyone reading our blog had a wonderful festive season! With all good intentions I had tried to get down to the studio to make a final Christmas blog post of 2016. However we have been swept up with seeing friends and family, so I sadly didn’t get time. We have had a real break from work for a couple of weeks which I feel is really important.
Here in the UK I think we do end up having more time off this time of year. Today, for instance, is a public holiday. Nicholas and myself have ‘sort of’ been back to work for a while, although we haven’t been doing any actual artwork. I have spring cleaned our studio and it’s looking wonderfully tidy.
We were so busy with portraits just prior to Christmas with packing paintings and drawings, we had rather abandoned everything in here. Top priority was making sure everything went out on time. Happy to say all of our artwork reached their destinations with very happy recipients.
We then tackled the yearly accounts which are all balanced and complete and I’m hoping to pop them up to the accountant tomorrow which is an hours drive away. So another day out.
I will leave you with this lovely photo of us – well our shadows and lily on the beach. It was taken on my birthday down in Pembrokeshire. My favourite place in the whole world!
Happy New Year 2017 to you all!

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