Ozie and Joey’s Pencil Portrait

Welcome to my latest commission, Ozie and Joey’s pencil portrait is now complete and on its way to my clients in the USA. We can always send portraits direct to the recipient if you are unable to give them in person, just like this one. Ozie is the King Charles Spaniel and Joey is the cat who has sadly passed away. The family didn’t have many photos of their cat Ozie as he passed very young. So I used two photos as reference for Ozie’s drawing, adding the cats arm and paw from a second photo.

It was commissioned by Sylvia as a special gift to give to her granddaughter Zoie. Sylvia also commissioned a drawing of Mango at the sane time for her son in the UK. You can see Mango on his own page Mangos Drawing. Sylvia emailed when she saw the final scan of the pencil portrait below..

Dear Melanie
That is wonderful, thank you.
My granddaughter is looking forward to receiving it.

Ozie and Joey's Pencil Portrait

Ozie and Joey’s Pencil Portrait Framed

Sylvia chose the Windsor Wash frame which works beautifully with Ozie and Joey’s pencil drawing. Its one of my favourite mouldings and the double mount with pale grey colour, which also really brings out the tones in the drawing. I hope you all like it too.

Pet portrait framed
Ozie and Joey's Pencil Portrait

Finally we hope that you have enjoyed viewing the portrait of Ozie and Joey. If you would like to commission a portrait as a gift, please get in touch. We can also send portraits direct to the recipient in gift wrapping if you are unable to present them yourselves. Email or message us at any time.

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