Welcome to my Pencil Pet Portrait of Ziggy! Steven emailed to find out how to commission a pencil drawing of their dog Ziggy. Many clients have never commissioned a portrait before so we have lots of information on our website to help. Most of the time clients like to get in touch and chat about their specific requirements though and I am always on hand to help answer any questions they may have. Steve’s first initial email was as follows….
Hi Melanie,
I have recently found your website and I am really impressed by the work you have shown on your gallery. I am new to the process of commissioning a picture so I am afraid I am a little unsure at present exactly what it is I would like, but I do know that I would like to commission you to produce a pencil drawing of our dog Ziggy!
I was more than happy to help and provided Steve with the information he required. I am happy for clients to either email me direct or chat via WhatsApp which is often the quickest way of getting in touch.

Steve decided that he wanted a 16 x 12 pencil drawing, which is a great size for a dog like Ziggy. He wanted it framed and also sent in time for a birthday surprise for his wife. Steve sent us a lovely email when he saw the finished portrait. If you scroll further down the page you can see more photos from the commission.
Hi Melanie
Wow, that is amazing! You have really captured him, thank you. My wife’s birthday is on Sunday and I am sure she will love it.
Pet Portrait Photos
Here are some photos of my portrait on my plan chest. I love taking photos as they are much more natural than the final scans. I take photos with my pencils on to show scale and this really adds to the authenticity of them!

Pencil Pet Portrait of Ziggy
I am loving this frame! It has to be one of my favourites to date. I really hope that you have enjoyed reading about my Pencil Pet Portrait of Ziggy, and if you have a Labradoodle you would like drawn, please do get in touch, I would love to work with you.

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Hi Melanie, this so beautiful. The light on his coat is stunning and the whole effect is wonderfully three-dimensional. Perfect! I must ask – do you never make even a tiny mistake when you’re creating a portrait? 😊
Hi Jenny, Thank you! I wouldn’t say mistakes as such, but I do use the putty eraser all the time. Not for erasing areas and starting again, but lightening highlights and lightening areas. The way I work is to build the form across the entire dog, checking and rechecking until I’m happy. If there are areas I’m not happy with, I rework them. Does that make any sense? Melanie x
Hi Melanie – yes it does. It certainly looks as though every single line, highlight and shadow is immediately perfect. Brilliant. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thats brilliant lol! Im glad it looks like that. Its a lot of work, working it out, evaluating and reevaluating. So Im glad from the outside it looks right 😀 Melanie x