Welcome to my latest dog and horse pet portraits of Flash and Daisy! These portraits are for a returning client in Australia. I think a number of my latest portraits have been from returning clients which is absolutely wonderful.
Jo emailed a few months ago asking if I would be able to draw two further portraits of her dog and horse. The dog portrait was going to be as a surprise for her parents of their elderly dog Daisy. I have additionally drawn three other portraits for Jo as gifts for them. Daisy was to be drawn at the exact same size as the others 9 x 7 inches. A fairly small portrait and conversely the portrait of Flash was not at all small! It was a 30 x 20 inch pencil drawing!
The first portrait I completed was the drawing of Jo’s Horse called Flash and I loved every minute. Larger portraits are definitely more tricky due to the size on my drawing desk. It can just be a little cumbersome and quite often I have to stand to draw. In these cases, I do little stints at my desk and do other work in between as it can be achey on the back leaning over. Also as my desk is at an angle as I usually sit. Nicholas has an upright easel when he is painting as when painting, you need to stand back and keep moving around looking at the artwork. I hope you like the finished drawing….

Dog and Horse Pet Portraits Happy Client
I loved drawing both of the dog and horse pet portraits and Jo was really happy with them as you can read below. They were packed flat between hardboard and foam in a very large cardboard box. They headed off on their journey to Australia very snug! I wish I could have delivered them personally!
I don’t know what to say, opening your beautiful sketch of Flash made me and my daughter burst into tears. You have captured him so perfectly. He was the most amazing horse. An absolute one in a million and I will never get over the sudden loss of him. My parents will adore the final image to their collection of beloved dogs. I can’t thank you enough, you are so talented and so beautiful to work with. One day I will pop in to see you and thank you in person. Every happiness,
Jo x
Dog Pet Portrait
As you can read Jo was delighted with the portrait of Flash. It means to much to me knowing that I have captured their horse just as they remember them. If I can bring back that memory and feeling for clients when they miss their pets so much, it means that I have done my job as a pet portrait artist properly.
The portrait of Daisy is below. Jo’s family were also delighted with the portrait. This will match the other three drawings I did of their dogs last year. Poor daisy was very old and you can see it in the drawing. I really hope that it will be a beautiful reminder of her for them.

Hi Melanie,
Thank you so much for the drawings. It will so be so nice to have them framed and on the wall. You are super talented at what you do, the detail is incredible. We miss our horse so much I’m not sure I will be able to look at it without crying. Talk again soon, thank you again, very happy with them.
Jo xx
Dog and Horse Pet Portraits
The photos below are of Flash the horse with pencils on my plan chest. I use specialist Hot Pressed watercolour paper which comes on a roll so this enables me to draw to most sizes. If you have a bespoke size you would like me to draw to, please let me know!

I love taking photos of portraits on an angle and you can see from the pencils in the photos here how large the drawing was in comparison. These photos are much more dynamic than the straight on one that is at the top of the page.

Finally I hope that you have enjoyed viewing my dog and horse pet portraits for my client Jo and her family. If you have a similar request, or would like to ask any questions about my drawings, by all means please do email me at anytime. I look forward to working with you on your own dog or horse pet portrait!

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