Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting

The photo of Bob

Welcome to our beautiful Maltese pet portrait oil painting of Bob. Isn’t he gorgeous! Nicholas traditionally hand painted Bob at 16 x 12 inches. The painting is an on linen canvas, painted for a lovely client here in Wales called Sharon. Sadly Bob is no longer with us, so Sharon wanted to commemorate his life with an oil painting.

We received a batch of lovely photos from Sharon. Although there wasn’t one perfect portrait for a portrait there were many that we could work with. Because the photos had all been taken from the same eye level, we could join two together. Consequently we used a head photo with Bob’s alert shiny eyes along with a laying down pose. The combination was a perfect composition for the portrait fitting well on the 16 x 12 canvas.

We have added a testimonial from Sharon below. We are looking forward to working with her again soon for a companion portrait for her other dog too. Both Nicholas and myself hope you like the painting of Bob as much as we do!

Oh Melanie, I don’t know what to say, only that has made me cry,  Nicholas has captured him so beautifully. 
Thank you.

Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting

Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting Photos

Here are a few photos of the portrait completed with Nicholas adding the final touchers with his paintbrush. You can see the soft fur detail on Bob’s chest.

Oil Painting of Bob

Here is a close up of Bob’s face, his eyes are so shiny and expressive. The white fur of a Maltese is beautiful to paint. The background is really important oil a portrait like this so that the white of the fur stands out.

Oil Painting of Bob

Oil Painting in Progress

Here are a couple of photos of Bob’s oil painting in progress in the early stages. You can see the canvas is on the easel and Nicholas is adding colour and tones to the background.

Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting

Here you can see Nicholas adding detail on to Bobs nose. You can see, in comparison to the finished version above, this is the underpainting stage. it is important to build up the layers to create a three dimensional look and feel.

Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting

Oil Painting Framed

Sharon asked our framers to frame Bob’s portrait. She chose the Highgate frame which is one of our most popular frames. Our framers handcraft and hand finish the frames so are absolutely stunning. I have added photos of the portrait framed below.

Framed Portrait of Bob

I hope that you have enjoyed viewing the oil panting of Bob. Maltese dogs have to be one of Nicholas’s favourite breeds to paint. Their white, silky fur provides a unique challenge and opportunity to play with light and shadow in his work.

Framed Portrait of Bob

Nicholas takes plenty of photos of his portraits during the process and once complete and these are shared with our clients for any potential alterations. It’s important to us that our clients are completely satisfied with the final painting and nothing leaves the studio until they are! 

Maltese Pet Portrait Oil Painting

Bob’s painting took around a week and a half to paint, but each portraits completion time can vary greatly. It depends on several factors such as the complexity of the subject and if there is a scenic background. On average, it might take anywhere from one to three weeks depending on the complexity.

Framed Portrait of Bob

If you have a Maltese and would like a pet portrait oil painting of them, please do keep in touch with us at any time. If you would like to read about a beautiful cat portrait, head over to the blog post about Max!

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