Welcome to Melanie’s August Monthly News about what we have been up to this month. Often here in Wales we have beautiful weather all the way up to August and then it seems to be somewhat of a washout. We have had storms, winds, rain and more storms this month. It hasn’t been such good weather for the tourists that have been visiting.
We have had good friends to stay who have been in our bubble, the only people to visit us this year. It was also really lovely to spend some time out of the studio and take them to our favourite places. We were unable to eat out, however we had picnics and takeaways which were just as good. The photo below is of us in Newport Pembrokeshire.
We have known Steve for 26 years as we were all at college together. His aunty, who you can see pictured standing behind us, came along this year too and it was a lovely few days break for us all. Also the dog you see in the foreground with Lily was from passers by who offered to take a photo for us.

The photo below is of me balancing on an old fallen tree, trying to take photos, until the very kind passers by offered to take one for us.

Lily and I have been going out on our little trundles up the lane still on the dry days. Lily is a fair weather walker, a little like me! The photo below was taken at the top of the lane, a beautiful view across the fields.

Lily has been to the groomers this week and so is looking lovely and silky and clean. She was enjoying her walk when this was taken below.

Can you spot Lily on the side of the lane?

The Cottage Garden
The garden veg hasn’t done as well as we had hoped this year. Our tomatoes haven’t ripened yet, which is a real shame. Sadly, we don’t have the extreme warm sunny weather here needed to ripen them. We have had some success with a few mini cucumbers, peas, lettuces and runner beans. We intend to move the greenhouse to a different spot in the garden for next seasons tomato growing, so we will see how that goes.

The garden itself is doing well and this little chap was in the undergrowth at the weekend. Couldn’t resist taking a photo.

Autumn is on its Way!
Autumn is heading our way and I have been taking some lovely photos of the flora and fauna on my travels. The acorns are forming, the leaves are starting to turn also. On a cool but sunny day, its lovely to observe the changes in season.

The Puffballs are just forming. These were taken just along the track when walking Lily. They are beautiful and natural in colour, with so much detail and texture on them. They are great to photograph all intertwined in the undergrowth.

The blackberries are starting to ripen too. We have had one crop from along the track which made a lovely apple and blackberry crumble for our visitors, plus another for the freezer.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading our Melanies August Monthly News. If you would like to read about one of our recent portraits, head over the our black lab oil painting.
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Whoa girl, you are rocking that outfit!! Not everyone can make Wellies look sexy, lol!
Lol thats so funny! Thank you so much for you lovely comment, im glad that you like them and it really made me smile!!! 🙂 🙂
Melanie xxx