Melanie’s January Monthly News

Welcome to Melanie’s January Monthly News and another month has whizzed by. Well I say whizzed, we are still in lockdown and so haven’t really been anywhere exciting….. well anywhere really! Our weather has been pretty bad, we have survived Storm Christoph and I haven’t seen as much water for a long time. The town where I do my shopping has a beautiful river meandering around it which burst its banks, yet again. The road was flooded and closed so two supermarkets were were inaccessible, but thankfully one was fine, so we didn’t starve!

We have been trying to get out on our lane walks regularly and incredibly timed was this beautiful double rainbow as we walked outside f the cottage. You can just about see the second rainbow on the left hand side in the photo below and I tried to zoom in on the photo below that. Oh… and yes it did rain!

Melanie's January Monthly News
Melanie's January Monthly News

Melanie’s January Monthly News – Llangrannog

In the New Year a few days after the snow had melted we headed out to get shopping and on our way home trundled down to a little coastal village called Llangrannog. it is beautiful, particularly in the summer months and the windy drive down around some hair pin bends is pretty good fun I have to say. Of course with the weather being so bad and lockdown we only saw a handful of people there, so it was lovely to have the place to ourselves pretty much. In the summer months you can hardly even park. I took a couple of photos which you can see below. The wind was very below but happily it had stopped raining for a while so Lily enjoyed a run on the beach.


Evening Sun and Landscape Views

The best times of the day for taking photos is early morning and later on in the afternoon just before the sun sets and I have added a couple of my favourite photos take this month, along with a blue sky photo. Unbelievably yes here in Wales we saw blue sky this month. Not for long…but it was there!

Evening Sun and Landscape Views
Clouds and Sky
Crisp morning
Sunset over snow
Blue Sky!!

Oh..and it snowed again!

We had an overnight snowfall and so took the opportunity to head out and about in the snow, first along the lane with out footprints which is always fun. It was pretty cloudy so the sunrise wasn’t all that great but I took the photos below which came out well. I hope you enjoy viewing them.

We hope that you enjoyed reading our ‘Melanie’s January Monthly News’. Next month we will have some artwork to show. We haven’t quite finished any artwork yet, we are waiting on framing and such. They will be revealed before long, so if you missed our snow photos from last month, please do checkout our December Monthly News. See you all in February!

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5 thoughts on “Melanie’s January Monthly News

  1. Hi Melanie, wow you’ve been super-productive on your websites, they look wonderful, and it’s great to see new photos. Very well organised too. You have a flair for tech as well as portraiture. The hyperlink at the bottom of the January blog page to the horse website seemed to send me to the dog one, thought you might like to know. It was no problem as easy navigation from dogs to horses! Wishing you both a very happy Spring, here’s hoping those beaches will be busy this summer xxx

    1. Hi Gail,

      Wow so lovely to hear from you and thank you so much for letting me know about the link on the blog. All fixed! Ahh yes productive on the websites but soo behind on social media. There are never enough hours in the day are there. I don’t know how you do it, you do so well on there. Well done you! I do love the tech side of it, I love sitting in the studio on rainy days and tinkering. There are enough of those here in Wales!! I have just posted our Feb news. Im a day late, not sure if it will go out in this months newsletter but if not it will be in the next one.

      Yes spring has definitely sprung and I hope that we are all allowed out soon to have some days out and even more … I hope the fish and chip shops and ice cream shops open soon too! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Seeding much love

      Melanie x

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