Welcome to Melanie’s June Monthly News and yet another month has flown by again. It seems to be going so fast this year. We have been incredibly busy in the garden again doing more renovations, out in the back garden this time with a new fence between us and our neighbour. So we revamped the whole of the top cottage garden. Plenty of tidying and planting… those pics will follow next month when it’s completed!
Llangrannog Visit
First of all though we visited a beautiful little cove called Llangrannog. We had lunch there and walked up the hill to the coastal path. On the way up out of the cove you can see a statue, scroll to see photos. There was a very happy Rock Pipit singing away, which I captured on the top of the statues head. The statue is by a welsh sculptor…..
The sculpture a bronze statue of the Saint, standing on the headland above the beach was designed and built by the Internationally Renowned sculptor Sebastien Boyesen, who lives in Llangrannog. Carannog was the grandson or perhaps the son of Ceredig, the 5th century Prince of Ceredigion.

My Greenhouse went on the move…
We have a little greenhouse that my dad gave us when we moved into the cottage, it is only small and unfortunately the only place at the time to put it was down the garden near the studio. The problem was however, the big trees shaded it most of the day and we were never really successful in growing things there.
So this year, now we have finished all of the renovations, we have placed it next to the back of the cottage as there is far more light and heat up there. As you can see its doing extremely well. We have cucumbers, lettuce, purple sprouting broccoli, rocket and spinach. Not bad for a first proper years try.
The two brown kitchen compost bins hanging up are a wonderful solution to holding tools and seeds. Perhaps not the most glamours idea but ideas always welcome! It gets so hot in there so Nicholas devised a clever way of easily taking a pane of the perspex glass out on hot days. It just lifts out from a magnetic strip and holds below on magnetic strip below. This gives us an opening window however even with the shade on there, today at mid afternoon it was 31 degrees!! Amazing for Wales!

Melanie’s June Monthly News – Garden Flowers
The garden is coming along, the flowers are all growing well and looking very pretty. I have to say the bottom garden has been completely neglected as I have been working on the front and top garden in the last few months. My two hens rule the roost over the bottom garden now. They aren’t allowed in the top cottage garden which is where I have the greenhouse and delicate plants… and strawberries which they make a bee line for when they see the gate open!! I will have photos of their new henhouse next month too so watch this space!

And finally here is a very aloof looking photo of Lily. I went over to her in her favourite place on our window sill, where she can look out the front to bark any anyone daring to walk along the lane and took this selfie. I’m not one for taking selfies… unless my animals are in them too!

We hope that you have enjoyed reading Melanie’s June Monthly News and we look forward to hearing your feedback. I missed the deadline for last months blog for the newsletter so this month two blog posts will go out in it! Its been so crazy busy here with all the garden renovations that I haven’t had anytime to myself for extra things! Let hope now the main garden plans are done it will be an easier few months. We hope that all of our readers are keeping well and safe!
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Melanie, we absolutely love your monthly news presentations. Excellent photography and compositions. Please keep it coming .
Thank you so much Gary, more photos and new blog post coming soon! This month is flying already!
Melanie xx