Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles

Welcome to Nicholas’s latest Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles. This beautiful portrait is an oil on linen canvas, traditionally hand painted by Nicholas. The oil painting was commissioned by returning client David who previously commissioned us in 2013 when we created an oil painting of his cat beautiful cat called Tabatha. You can see the oil portrait plus see photos of Tabitha and read about the commission on Tabatha’s dedicated page on our website – Cat Painting of Tabatha.

David emailed us in December of last year to initiate another portrait. We were delighted to hear from David again, although extremely sad to read his email about Tiddles, parts of which I have added below.

Sadly, my eighteen-year-old cat had to be put to sleep this morning ….. I’m totally devastated …. and will miss her everyday forever. I wish to commission an 18 x 14 oil portrait of Tiddles to remember her by and immortalize the precious moments she was a part of my life. ….I hope Nicholas, whose talent I greatly admire, will paint the portrait of Tiddles. Regards,

Oil Painting Timescales

David emailed us in December and his painting was completed at the end of May 2024. Nicholas is normally working to around a 6 month timetable, year round. We always try to encourage clients to get in touch as soon as they can if they are looking to commission a painting for a specific date.

Thankfully David was happy with our timetable. We are always thankful for how patient our clients are, as paintings and drawings can’t be rushed.. or we don’t think so! A lot of care and time goes into each one and we always find its better to stand at our easels and desks when we are inspired, rather than forcing multiple hours per day just pushing out our artwork. We feel every pet we portray deserves that time and care and Tiddles was no different.

Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles Started!

The process began when David sent us his photos and having studied the selection, we all agreed on one particular photo that showed Tiddles avidly watching something in the garden. Eyes beautifully wide and alive with awe at whatever had caught her attention. It had to be ‘the’ photo for the basis of the painting.

When it was time to put brush to canvas, Nicholas started the first stage and we have included a photo below for you to see. We have also added the photo of Tiddles that he was working from. The first stage is to draw out the outline on the canvas and then outline over the pencil to firm everything up. A colour wash to knock back the white of the canvas always helps too.

Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles

The Next Stage

The next stage you can see below is more blocking of undertones. Nicholas opted for a very gentle outdoors green and ochre colour for the background. We always like the very natural and neutral colours for backgrounds. We feel this really helps to centre the focus on the subject and compliment them in a harmonious way.

Nicholas has also started to add detail in the eyes and outline them in a darker colour. This really starts to bring the full focus on them. This way he can gauge how dark some of the other tones will need to be across Tiddles and the rest of the portrait.

Second Stage of the oil painting of Tiddles

Here, you can see a significant transformation between the previous stage and the final additions of the highlights in the eyes. Many hours of work have gone into this stage. The final touches are always an exciting moment in the process. These highlights add a sparkle and bring the subject to life. They add vibrancy and realism, elevating the overall impact of the portrait.

Final touches of the Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles

Here is another close-up of the portrait of Tiddles. In this detailed view, you can appreciate how the final wisps of white fur and the delicate whiskers contribute to the painting’s three-dimensional form. These subtle details not only add depth but also enhance the overall realism, making Tiddles appear almost lifelike. Nicholas’s attention to these finishing touches brings the entire painting together and takes it to another level.

viewing the cat portrait up close

The Completed Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles

Here is a final photo of the finished Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles. I think there is an air of stillness and serenity to the painting. Tiddles looks content and happy. The focus is definitely on the eyes which is what we wanted. The background compliments them well.

Nicholas dedicated a lot of time and care to this oil painting, understanding how much Tiddles meant to David. He wanted to portray the beauty and happiness that Nicholas could see within the photo, as well as capturing the character of Tiddles in that fleeting moment. I believe Nicholas has done a superb job, and I hope our readers agree.

The final photo of the Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles

Happy Client

Thankfully David loved the painting! You can see a photo of the portrait with the packaging just prior to sending it to David. We have also included David’s testimonial below. David had the oil painting framed in an elegant black frame that beautifully complements the artwork.

Dear Melanie and Nicholas,

I am truly moved by the portrait of Tiddles. Nicholas, your talent shines through each brush stroke, capturing the essence of Tiddles in a way that words could never do justice. The depth in her eyes, the texture of her fur, the subtle nuances that made Tiddles unique – all have been masterfully brought to life on canvas.

The portrait is a beautiful tribute to Tiddles, reflecting not just her physical likeness, but her spirit and personality. It’s as if Tiddles’ unique charm has been immortalized, her curious gaze forever captured in time. This painting is more than a piece of art; it’s a cherished keepsake that reflects the bond we shared with Tiddles.

Nicholas, your skill as an artist is truly remarkable. You’ve taken a cherished memory and turned it into a tangible keepsake that we will treasure forever. Your dedication to your craft is evident in every detail of the portrait.

Thank you for this priceless gift. The portrait of Tiddles is a testament to your talent and passion, and we are truly grateful.

With heartfelt thanks,

David Clifford.

The oil painting framed by our happy customer

Finally, we hope that you like the Cat Oil Painting of Tiddles. Not only that but we hope you have enjoyed reading the behind the scenes process. If you have a cat that you would like painted please do drop us a message or email. If you would like to see another commissioned portrait of a cat, visit our Cat Oil Painting of Tia. Our website has a large cat portraits gallery and once there you can look around at the full gallery. Alternatively you can visit a pencil portrait montage of a Cat Pencil Pet Portrait of Archie here on our blog.

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