Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins

Welcome to my Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins. Mr Jenkins was a fabulous horse, owned by Jo’s father. Jo called me on the phone to discuss the drawing prior to emailing. This portrait was very special to my client and you can read one of Jo’s very first emails to me….

Morning Melanie,
The photo you have chosen to use is great, excuse the plaits!! I know you must see some stunning horse’s but that’s what Mr Jenkins is to me. I think I told you he is a retired police horse and a true gent. He was the last horse my Dad rode at the age of 82 before his sudden death three months later. Because dad was in the mounted police for 32 years and taught me to ride. I am really looking forward to seeing your work. Is it possible to have ‘Jenkins’ written on it somewhere?
I hope you and your partner are getting over the loss of your special little doggie, they certainly leave a little hole but the memories are always there.
Many thanks again
Jo xxx

As you can read we had just lost our dog and so we know how hard it is to loose a beloved pet. Even more when you have had to make the awful decision to put the dog to sleep. We know that many of our clients have been in our situation and its never one that any of us want to do ever again. But we always love being a pet owner and its a responsibility that we do have to bear up to, however hard.

So back to Jo! Jo requested to have her portrait framed and you can see photos of the completed horse portrait below. In addition Jo requested an engraved bronze plaque too. We love adding plaques to our portraits and they really make the whole commission unique and personal to our clients.

Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins

Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins – Framed

Here is Jenkins framed along with his plaque and I am thrilled with how the portrait has turned out. I have to say bronze is fast becoming our favourite colour for plaques. The text is very readable, it’s a very subtle colour while complimenting the frames and artwork well. We also have quite a few mouldings that are suitable for plaques now. If you are thinking about having one for your portrait just let us know.

Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins

Finally if you would like a portrait of your horse, similar to the drawing here of Jo’s horse Jenkins, please do get in touch. Let me know the kind of portrait you are looking at having and we can discuss your ideas.

Pencil Pet Portrait of Jenkins

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