Welcome to my latest Spaniel pencil drawing of the most gorgeous dog called Monty. Sadly Monty is no longer with us, and Allie saw a pencil drawing I did of one of her friend’s dogs and so asked them for my details. How amazing is that! I just love client recommendations. So Allie emailed to ask if I would draw a portrait of Monty so they had something to remember him by. Allie emailed this lovely email below, telling me about Monty…
Dear Melanie
Monty was incredibly regal looking dog with a super pedigree and we would like to do him justice. He always wore a red collar with a red/chrome paw print dog tag as this is the collar the dog day care people use. He had the most beautiful brown eyes. If you can capture him it would be wonderful.
With grateful thanks
It has been wonderful to portray him for Allie and her family. Monty was adorable, I also thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of the photos Allie emailed me, and I think we chose the perfect photo for me to work from. Monty had the most wonderful eyes to portray too. I enjoyed every minute! I do have a soft spot for spaniels and always love drawing them. A final scan of Monty is below for everyone to see, I really hope you like him.

Spaniel Pencil Drawing Photos
Oh Melanie I think you have captured my beautiful boy perfectly, his eyes in particular. You really have got him very well. He looks so very regal and handsome and it is such a very good likeness. Thank you.
Many thanks
Here are a few photos of Monty on my plan chest with my pencils. I also find this helps clients and readers gauge the size of the drawing. If you would like to see more of my artwork, take a look at my pencil drawing gallery.

If you would like to see another of my Spaniel Pencil drawings, head over to the portrait of Jenny and Fern. They were two very different spaniels but equally as gorgeous as Monty.

Finally if you have a spaniel that you would like drawn please get in touch at anytime. I can be emailed or you can WhatsApp via our website. Also don’t forget to view our prices and commission info page, especially if you are undecided about your required size. We have plenty of advice there too.
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Incredible technique meets a big heart. Thanks, Melanie.
Thank you So much Donald!!:) 🙂
Melanie x