Melanie’s December News

Welcome to Melanie’s December News! Well, what a month. I literally can’t believe how much work we have completed in the month of December. I’m sure that you can see by the number of our recent blog posts how many we have painted and drawn. Although I still have four portraits to blog!!! So please do stay tuned as I will be catching up and posting those in the next few days.

I think this has to be the busiest month on record. We are thrilled to say that we have completed everything that we were meant to! All of the clients and recipients we have been in touch with were absolutely thrilled. What a very Happy Christmas it has been for the many recipients of our portraits.

We usually add photos in our monthly roundup of places that we have been or visited. However this month we haven’t really been anywhere! We have been working pretty much every day of the week and most evenings of December too. Luckily our studio is inviting, warm and cosy all year round!

I haven’t even done any baking this year! So no Christmas cake, no home made mince pies like usual, however we did get a tree! We collected it a week before Christmas and its always such an exciting time. The tree is definitely the best part of Christmas for me, it fills the cottage with such an inviting and fresh smell. It’s utterly gorgeous as you walk into the room and I don’t really want to take it down yet.

Melanie's December News

Melanie’s December News

I love decorating the cottage too as it all looks so pretty. Each year I carefully bring out ornaments and decorations that friends and family have given me over the years. Adorning the tree with special memories from the beautiful people who gifted the decorations is what Christmas is all about.

This year I received a surprise gift from a lovely client who sent me a wooden decoration – all the way from Switzerland! You can see it in the photo below. It is such pretty decoration and I absolutely love it.

Christmas Tree

The cottage is always very inviting this time of year as you can see below, warm lighting, a log fire and the decorations definitely make it a special place to be. You can also see Lilys stocking up, ready for Santapaws….!!

Melanie's December News

Gonks also made an appearance this year and I have them all around the cottage. These two happy fellows spent time sitting on the arm of the chair by the tree. Of course, I’m sure all of them got up to mischief when I wasn’t looking!

Melanie's December News

These star shaped hanging decorations are from an amazing shop called nkuku who sell the most amazing things for your home. I guarantee when you take a look you’ll want to put a lot of things in your basket. We actually have these up all year around as they go so well with our cottage and of course look fabulous at Christmas. I use the battery tea lights which are much safer.

We hope that all of our readers to our blog and website have had a wonderful festive season. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, we wish you all the best for 2019 and have a very Happy New Year!! If you would like to head to read about an exciting commission, visit my Ruffwear Logo Portrait!

Star lights

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