Welcome to the two oil pet portraits of Marley and Nohea! Our client Polly emailed us in 2017. She asked if we would be able to portray her two beloved dogs who had sadly passed away. She wanted two oil paintings as the centre piece in her home to remember both dogs by. Polly emailed us two favourite photos. We were thrilled to be able to work with them both.
Marley, the first painting, was a straight forward portrait in that Marley was exactly like that in the photo. Noah however was a combination of two photos. To add more chest so that he could be similar to Marley we used two photos for the painting. So now they both works beautifully as a pair!

Their paintings are 16 x 12 on Linen canvas. Nicholas usually paints only one portrait at a time, however when he is painting two like this for the same client he likes to have both on his easel at once time. This means he can paint the background using the same colour pallet so they match. We know that our client will be displaying them in the same room together so it is really important to have unity between them both.

We are so thrilled that our client Polly loves both portraits and if you scroll down further you can see photos Polly took of the portraits all framed in her home.
Pet Portraits Happy Clients
Our lovely client Polly emailed us a photo of Marley and Nohea framed and displayed in her home. We love the frames that Polly has chosen and they both look stunning on the wall together. I would officially like to thank Polly for taking the photo for us and I have already added it on our testimonials page on our website!
Melanie and Nicholas,
We finally got Marley and Nohea back from the framer and they have been hung in their forever place.
They look just beautiful!

Oil Paintings In Progress
Here are some photos of the two oil pet portraits in progress on Nicholas’s easel. Nicholas painted the portraits together. Particularly at the start. This allows for continuity between them. Also when drawing the portraits out they needed to be the same height and level as they are going to be displayed side by side.

The next stage was blocking the main colours in, and so doing the two oil portraits together allowed Nicholas to use the same colour pallet throughout. Also keep similar grass patterns and colours too.

Once the main under tones were added in, he then set one portrait aside and worked on them individually. Marley was first and you can see he is coming along beautifully below.

Then it was the turn of Nohea and here Nicholas is adding the fine white light coloured fur under the eye.

Commission Your Oil Painting
We rarely add photos of Nicholas signing his portraits…mainly as I don’t always catch him signing. But I did manage to here! Of course this is a very important part of the process!
Finally we hope that you have enjoyed reading about the two oil pet portraits of Marley and Nohea. If you would like an oil portrait of your dog, or dogs, please get in touch. We would love to work with you!

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