Welcome to my latest Boxer Dog Pencil Drawing of the gorgeous Lola. Linda emailed me a few months ago and asked if I would be able to get a pencil drawing completed and framed for her husbands birthday in November. The timing was going to be very tight, especially with framing involved.
Linda told her husband John that something exciting was being hand made for him. She said that it would be ready soon, it was being created for him, so it might arrive just after his birthday but it would be worth the wait. He of course had no idea what it was, not even an inkling it was a pet portrait! Thankfully I was able to was complete the drawing only a few days after John’s special day.
Linda emailed me a number of photos of Lola, not all of them were suitable, but the one of her standing in their garden was just about clear enough for me to draw from. As you can see from the photo above, Lola was stood on decking however to create a nicer feel, we all decided that grass might be the better, more softer option. We knew that the odd angles and lines of the decking background would have been distracting too. I think the overall effect looks much improved compared to the photo.

Boxer Dog Pencil Drawing Bespoke Size
Linda commissioned the pencil portrait at the 16 x 12 size. However, when starting to draw I felt it would be much better with a little more height and less width so the overall size was 15 x 13 inches. Because I order my paper in larger sheets, I even have it on a large roll over huge drawings, I can draw my portraits to any size. So if clients have specific ideas or we need to work with the photos, I am always happy to make sure the shape of the portrait works perfectly with the photos I am working from.

Linda emailed when she received the portrait which you can read below….
Hi Melanie,
Just to let you know that Lola arrived safely yesterday – thank you! It is absolutely amazing. John was delighted with it! We both became quite emotional when we saw her again…. It is so life like, you have captured her so well, even her funny old back legs – and her feet!!! Every detail is there. I know the whole family are going to love it too.
Thank you so much again Melanie – we couldn’t be happier!!

Boxer Dog Pencil Drawing Happy Client
Here is a photo of the portrait all complete and displayed in Lindas home.
Dear Melanie
Just wanted to wish you and your family a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
I have attached a picture of our lovely Lola in pride of place in our lounge, and because of you amazing skill, she will still be with us! Everyone loves it, so thank you again Melanie.
Kind regards

Photos of the Pencil Drawing Framed
I love taking photos of my drawings on an angle up close, with my pencils. It really allows my clients to see them in detail.

This photo shows the portrait mounted with a double mount of Hayseed and charcoal grey. The colour and tone combination works really well for Lola.

Boxer Dog Pencil Drawing – Framed
We agreed that our Madison frame would work really well for Lola’s portrait. It is so stunning, it is one of our favourites. Linda also ordered an engraved mirrored silver plaque too with the words ‘Lovely Girl’ Lola on, which really finished everything off beautifully. I hope you like the finished portrait!

If you have a Boxer Dog that you would like portrayed in pencil, please do drop me a line at anytime. Send me your photos, tell me all about them, I would love to hear from you!

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